Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wild Things

Here we are at game 50 of the season, and things still aren't right. The Wild came into town with a triumvirate of ex-Hawks in Havlat, Madden and Barker, and they left happy campers. The Hawks were going to have to do this one without Boss 81, who wasn't feeling well, and with an achy Captain Serious. So much for having an easy game going into the break, Fellas. The first period was a total end to end shootout, with a number of great scoring chances favoring the Hawks as they lead 2-1. The second period looked like a completely different game, as the Wild scored once early, and once late to go into the third up 3-2. In the Third, the Hawks gave up another softy and failed to score themselves, as the Wild came away with a 4-2 win.

The Good
  • I don't care what anyone says, those alternate jerseys are really sharp looking.
  • Luckily, the powerplay has been so freakishly good this year (even with Kopecky playing on the first unit last night) that Cam Barker's penalty cost the Wild their quick 1-0 lead. Kaner hit Sharpie at his familiar powerplay watering hole, the back door, and Sharpie buried it. Could someone please show Brouwer that? Just a couple minutes into the game and it was 1-1 already.
  • I still have a soft spot for Marty Havlat and John Madden, and I was almost happy to see Havy score. I'd love to still have Havlat wearing #24 rather than the cementhead that's wearing it now.
The Bad
  • Don't you just love watching the Hawks give up a goal before a majority of the fans have their asses their seats? 1:47 in and Havlat eventually snapped a failed Seabrook clearing attempt over Mr. Crawley's glove. That's just how we drew it up, didn't we?
  • Speaking of Seabrook, I'm going to have to denounce you as my favorite Blackhawk for fear that I'm jinxing you. Minus 3 on the night with 2 penalty minutes is the closing minutes of the third? Not your best performance.
  • Brouwer, when you have an open net, just quickly backhand it in, please? Some time this year maybe? Thank god he eventually learned his lesson and hit the open net on his forehand a few minutes later. Could have used that first one, as it turns out though, eh T-Brouw? Just to be consistent he wasn't able to hit an open net in the third period either. If he would have just hit the open net when he had it, he would have had a hat trick. How many more gaping nets do you want, Troy? At least Bolly hits the open net when he has it.
  • For the second time in the game the Hawks gave up an early goal at the start of a period at the beginning of the second, as Mr. Crawley let in a major softy. I blame Dick Boynton.
  • I have to give the Wild credit on their third goal. Crawdaddy had no chance, and the Wild made Toews, Kane, Brouwer, Keith and Seabrook look like they were inexperienced rookies. Tape, to tape, to tape, and in the back of net.
  • I really cannot explain what Corey Crawford was doing on that forth Wild goal. He flopped down and rolled around on his ass, like he was making snow angels. That's a move I would have expected to see out of Turco. He just wasn't on his game, and hasn't been for the last two. Two of the goals last night were highly questionable and that would have been enough to keep the Hawks in the game. I think it might be time for Turco to play a couple of games behind the more solid defensive core, and give Mr. Crawley some time to sharpen up his game. I think we're witnessing a little burnout from the young man, and maybe this All-Star break is just what he needs.
  • Anyone know if Dave Bolland suited up for the game? Anyone? I didn't think so. I may have to "Brett Favre" Invisi-Bolly, with a few more of these performances.
The Ugly
  • DICK BOYNTON! You're HAUNTING this fanbase with your asinine penalties, and ugly mug. You sit out 10 games because you're just a complete and utter moron; and in what was probably your second shift of the game you take a completely unnecessary penalty at the wrong end of the ice. Interfering with the Goalie? What in the WORLD is Dick Boynton doing down at that end in the first place? Get off my team, you ugly bastard!
  • Just WHAT happened to that fast and furious Hawks pace that we saw in the early first period? When you out shoot a team 33-22, you should win that game every time.
  • The Hawks really got screwed on the waved off goal, because the refs were VERY quick on the whistle. The puck was almost completely across the line when the net started to come off, and you'd think that was WHY the ref was blowing the whistle. Luck just wasn't on their side this night, but with the Keith post, and the half-a-dozen other open nets and such, they had their chances.
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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