Sunday, January 23, 2011

Phoning It In For Philly

This is exactly what I was afraid of. The Hawks looked like they used up all fire and emotion Saturday, and really phoned one in this morning. The first period was painfully uneventful, and ended 0-0. The scoring was opened up early in the second as the Flyers stuffed a loose goalmouth puck into the net about a minute in. That had the Flyers going up 1-0 into the third period. That is where everything fell apart and the Hawks gave up 3 goals, to lose the game 4-1. Not the showing you wanted to have on national TV, because they really looked flat. This was the first game I was actually able to attend this season, and I can tell you that the crowd was almost asleep. Blame it on whatever you'd like, but everyone was looking forward to the Bears game, which ended up being a huge disappointment, as well. Way to show America what a great sports town Chicago is, Guys. A double "shit the bed" for Chi-Town.

The Good
  • Obviously, the Hossa penalty shot was a pretty play. The crowd showed a little life, but VERY little. Half the place had left a few minutes early when the Flyers went up 3-0.
  • I loved to see douchebag brothers Hartnell and Carcillo get their teeth pounded in, because they really ARE completely and utter ball bags. Carcillo really got the best of Dowell
The Bad
  • Philly had the majority of the good scoring chances all game long. The Hawks couldn't seem to get anything to the net, and it hurt them considerably.
  • The Powerplay looked tame and awful. Again, not a good time to look uninterested, and ineffective.
  • I'm not sure exactly how many shots the Flyers blocked, but EVERY time the Hawks shot it seemed to be into the shin guards of a Flyer, or wide of the net.
  • The second goal wasn't exactly something o beauty, either. Mr. Crawley over pursued the play and got caught a bit too far out of the net. Zherdev recognized this and wrapped it around to the other post from behind the net. Campbell got tangled up with Crawford, and the puck was in the net before they could recover. Not looking good on that one, Corey.
  • The third Philly goal ended the game. Yes, I know there was plenty of time left, but the Hawks were done. After that goal, I watched half the UC get up, put their jackets on, and walk out.
  • Pierre McGuire is a total penis.
The Ugly
  • Can we end this embarrassing John Scott saga? What did he provide in this game? The Hawks got into two fights and neither involved Scott. Furthermore, absolutely NO ONE on the Flyers were wetting their jocks when he was on the ice. He's a fucking sideshow freak, and he's wasting valuable ice time. Be done with him, he's a big joke and it's not working! Skillington could wander around the ice and do nothing for 5 minutes a game.
  • That first Flyers goal was a complete mess. Crawford easily had time to get his ass up off the ice but continued to lay there. I was screaming, "Get up, Get u, Get up, Get up, Get up!". I didn't get my wish. Why in the hell was Jeff Carter allowed to stand there and pitchfork the puck over and over and over? Hammer? Kopecky? Anyone? Crosscheck him into next month!
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:


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