Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blackhawk Beats

Rather than spend the 6 days the Hawks have off dissecting every little piece of their puzzle, I'd rather have a little fun. People who are close to me know that I'm no fan of the Hawks goal song, "Chelsea Daggar". I never liked it, because I feel there are much more appropriate songs that the Blackhawks could beat into our heads until we become nauseous. I get the appeal of "Daggar", but the song itself is incredibly annoying and cartoonish. It doesn't strike fear into opponents, it just aggravates them, much like it aggravates me. And that "dance" the people do along with it, really makes me want to throw blunt heavy objects at them. It's not even that I don't like that kind of music, because I DO like some of it. It's THAT particular song. Even the song they play when the Hawks come out on the ice, Ted Nugent's "Stranglehold", could be laid to rest for some better choices, but it's not BAD by any stretch of the imagination.

So anyway, there are a few songs I'd like to throw out there for your enjoyment, as suggestions. I realize I'm a metal guy, but these are songs that can pump people up. If I'm running or coaching a team, I want people pumped up, not have them dancing around like a 2 year old child watching their favorite Dora or Barney episodes, and I personally know what that looks like. Cute for a 2 year old, but not tough at all. In FACT, if I was an opponent I'd want to smash every Hawks player, face first, into the boards after hearing "Daggar".

So, off we go on our little journey. The first song I think would make a very appropriate goal song is "Madhouse" by Anthrax. The tie in of the "Madhouse on Madison" and the fact that the cofounder of the band, Drummer Charlie Benante, lives in Chicago are enough to make me feel that they have to use this song somehow. Give a listen, and imagine it:

Not too bad right? That could even be used for the entrance theme, too. On to my next suggestion, and it comes from the same band, Anthrax. The song is called "Indians". The obvious connections are the Indian theme and Benante, again. This could be an entrance theme, as well:

Moving on, the next song is a CLASSIC Metallica song. Before all you angry Ke$ha worshiping people roll your eyes, give it a chance. I give you "Seek and Destroy" by Metallica:

That song is nothing, if not bad ass. Period. The beginning is a perfect entrance theme. Metal legends at the top of their game, with one of their best songs. Even the lyrics are inspiring to go out and beat some opponent tail. The next song is from a band I hold close to my heart, Disturbed. Born and raised on the south side of Chicago, they are big Blackhawks fans, especially the Drummer Mike Wengren. I give you "Conflict" from Disturbed:

Another VERY appropriate song, that would send the crowd and players into a frenzy. The next song fits along with the fact that the Hawks are one of the youngest teams in the NHL. "Crazy Babies" from the legend, Ozzy Osbourne:

Again, that's a great entrance theme for the guys to come out to. Moving on, the next song would have been a great goal song for Boss 81, in my opinion. "Miracle Man" also from Ozzy Osbourne:

Imagine, if you will, Boss 81 scores one of his "I'm Marian Hossa and you can't stop me" goals, and that comes blaring over the PA. If that doesn't make you crazy and give you chills, you're in a coma, and nothing will.

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