Saturday, January 22, 2011

Clip Those Wings

The Hawks got a much needed week off to refresh themselves and gear up for the second half of the season, but they have two very tough games this weekend. The first of which was an afternoon tilt with the hated Red Wings. Things looked lie they weren't going to end well, when the Red Wings went up 1-0 early in the first, but the Hawks answered with a powerplay goal to end the first tied 1-1. The Hawks turned on the jets in the second with two more goals and looked like they were in good shape, going into the third. They added a 4th goal in the third and went home a 4-1 winner. Great start for the weekend, but I hope they didn't use it all up against the wings. HUGE game at the UC on Sunday.

The Good
  • Invisi-Bolly is officially going into the closet. He has been on a TEAR, lately, and he deserves to lose the nickname.
  • Mr. Crawly quietly had himself an excellent game. He's stepping up against very solid competition. At this point last year, the goaltending position was in a complete state of chaos, and it's nice to have the situation settled at this point. The one goal he gave up was a bit of a tweener, but we'll take those in a 4-1 game. Stopping 36 out of 37 in Detroit is a great game.
  • You cannot possibly ask for anymore than this powerplay is doing. Even the second group is scoring and I can't even explain why they are working. That is not a group I'd even briefly entertain putting out there, on the powerplay. The first powerplay goal was beautiful. Tick-Tac-Toe, and Bolly ends up with a wide open net.
  • I'm not going to even suggest the penalty kill is fixed, but they killed off two successfully. Baby steps.
  • TomoKop has finally come back from Uselessville. If he played this well against the rest of the league he'd be spectacular, but that's FAR too much to ask for. He wouldn't be TomoKop if he wasn't marginally idiotic for a majority of the games.
  • The Brouwer goal was just the icing on the cake. Good night, Irene. Nice coverage, Detroit.
The Bad
  • Toews and Kane really had a 2-0 early in the first and Howard made the stop. I was sure that Toews would dish it off to Kaner, but I'm sure he caught Lidstrom out of the corner of his eye, and didn't want to chance it.
  • I'm not sure what Fernandog was thinking dumping the puck into the middle of the ice in his own zone, but he owes Mr. Crawley an apology.
The Ugly
  • The really only ugly part of this game was the 20 shots they gave up in the third period. Kind of took their foot off the gas, didn't they?
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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