Monday, January 10, 2011

Deserted Island

They are just milking the hell out of this Stanley Cup ordeal. I'm as happy as the next guy about last year, and I realize it was technically for the 50th anniversary of the '61 team, but these memorial celebrations are getting slightly out of hand. On the other hand, I suppose you have to have some kind of big ordeal to get people out to watch the Islanders. On to the game...

The Hawks absolutely owned the first period. They didn't exactly light up the scoreboard, but they had a serious advantage in shots, and puck possession time, but led after the first twenty 1-0. The Hawks came out fast in the second and took a quick 3-0 lead and finished the second up 5-0. The Third period was pretty much a snoozefest as the Hawks clearly took their foot off the gas, and almost ruined Corey Crawford's shutout, but he stood tall and held things in check.

The Good
  • It's only took a few minutes and 2 powerplays for Shooter to take a pass in his favorite place, the back door, and deposit it just over the Islander goal line. At that point the Hawks were absolutely making the Isles look like a bad AHL team.
  • "Give-n-a-go, Go-n-a-Give" Pat Foley, you're awesome.
  • Fourth Line, Energy Line, I don't care what you call them, but I love everything about them, except the amount of playing time they get.
  • Boss 81 was left wide open in the slot for the Hawks second goal, and Kopecky hit him. The Islanders are just awful. They kept handing it over to the Hawks, and what did they expect would happen? Boss was a +3 on the night, now lets see a little more of that against an NHL team.
  • Aaaaaaand the Hawks made the Isles pay again on a Kaner one timer goal, off a great feed from Captain Serious. Again, this was like watching the Hawks play a bad AHL team.
  • Invisi-Bolly even made an appearance last night, and looked like a professional, with a nice top cheese roofer, from Boss 81.
  • I feel like this is just the Hawks picking on the retarded kid, with Hammer's goal in the final minute of the second. It closed out the scoring, and seriously, it was painful to watch the Isles play.
  • CrawDaddy finally got his well deserved shutout, and he really DOES deserve it.
The Bad
  • Nick Leddy finally had his first major goof as he let Michael Grabner by him and in on Crawford. Luckily CrawDaddy was up to the job and made a great save. Welcome to the show, Kiddo. Grabner had another shorthanded breakaway in the second and couldn't even get a flipping shot off. Horrible.
  • The Hawks really tried to hand the Islanders a goal on their third period powerplay, but, again, they really sucked.
  • Leddy and Hendry AGAIN had a major gaffe leaving Bailey wide open in front of the net. CrawDaddy bailed them out again. I realize you're up 5-0 and everything, but shit guys, show some effort for your goalie. Speaking for CrawDaddy, you're welcome gentlemen...

  • Zenon Konopka is a complete ballbag. Real tough when you just got shutout 5-0 aren't you?
The Ugly
  • The only thing Ugly in this game was the Islanders. They had their chances, but they are really a bad team.
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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