Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kings Ransom

Not exactly the way you want to welcome your Captain back, but CrawDaddy held the Hawk in the game and the score to 1-1 after the first period. Not an ideal performance against a very dangerous Kings team. The Hawks pretty much dominated the second, but gave up a late breakaway goal to tie it up at twos for the third. The Hawks got a little luck in the third period, and held on to a 4-3 lead. Just something about the Hawks that the Kings can't solve. Too bad the Hawks can't play them 6 more times.

The Good
  • CrawDaddy was the man of the game and showed why he's taken over as the #1 guy in net with that last glove save. He's confident and extremely solid.
  • It was a matter of time before Boss 81 put a puck in the net and where better than on the powerplay? Boss was the hot hand for the first half of the game, putting one off the post in the second, as well.
  • Sharpie's powerplay goal looked EASY. They toyed around with the Kings defense and looked like a dominant squad. Can't argue with #1 in the league.
  • Thank god we were spared Nick Boynton for a second straight contest. I was so tired of his bonehead plays. And John Scott...JOHN SCOTT! I don't miss the big show ONE BIT. In fact I forgot he was even on the team until they showed Wesgarth's ugly face, in the third.
  • That second Sharpie goal was pure determination. He wanted to go to the net and wasn't going to be stopped. Huge goal, and huge effort from a team captain. Kopecky did his best to get in the way, and could have really fouled it up, if Sharpie wasn't in such a zone.
  • About midway through the third period was the first time all year that I saw the Hawks look like sharks that smelled blood. That is how they played all last season, and I'd forgotten what it looked like.
  • How that Toews goal got in the net, is beyond me. I have no words for that. I don't think the Kings could have thrown it in their own net any better. One big WTF moment.
  • I giggled to myself when Invisi-Bolly was pushing a broken stick around, during a third period powerplay, so that it was in the passing lane of the Kings players. Slick move, kid. Kudos for that one.
The Bad
  • I thought Tyler Kennedy was pug ugly, but what a work of art that Ryan Smyth is. OOFAA!! Schnoz-a-saurus.
  • Even though it's a good thing, its for bad reasons, but Kaner being demoted to what is really the 3rd line is well deserved. His pass to Sharpie on the second period powerplay goal was very nice, but he clearly doesn't have that overdrive gear. What's better? Half a Kaner, or no Kaner? I'm beginning to think no Kaner is. He's not a player that plays through injury well.
  • Wow, that Ryan Smyth goal was blown coverage of EPIC proportions. Long changes my ass, Eddie. A competent defenseman needs to account for all players and be sure he's the deepest man. The bench should have been shouting like a bunch of maniacs, as well.
  • Kaner and Bolly on a 2-on-1, and guess who can't gather it in for a shot? If you had Bolland, you're wanted in the winners circle.
The Ugly
  • I'd still like someone to explain to me why Jake Dowell was sitting in the press box in street clothes. One...Good...Reason, please. Why hasn't Invisi-Bolly been sat down for a game? Snake is playing better, and more consistent than Bolly.
  • Duncan, Duncan, Duncan. WHY do we have to keep having these chats? FIRST, you oddly back hand pass the puck to Seabrook who is standing in your own crease. Of course that never makes it out of the zone. Then, you backhand it over the glass and take a bad penalty. After Toews then takes his bad high sticking penalty while killing your stupid penalty, you're down 5-on-3 with arguably two of your best penalty killers in the box. The Kings score on the Toews penalty, and guess where this all started? You guessed it, Norris Trophy winning D-Man.
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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