Thursday, January 13, 2011


The Hawks came out slow and even took an early penalty but they scored on two of their first four shots, to lead 2-0 going into the second. The Hawks added on another goal in the second to take a 3-0 lead into the third period. In the third, the Hawks held things together and put a forth goal in to hold the shutout for Crawdaddy. and a 4-0 win.

The Good
  • Even though the Hawks were pretty much dominated early, Brouwer scored a bad rebound goal on the 3rd shot of the game. Budaj would like a restart after that one.
  • When InvisiBolly scores a goal on you, you're having a bad night. Forty seconds after Brouwer scored, Bolland picked up a rebound on the back door, and couldn't miss. Two goals on four shots, Peter? That's a whole lotta suck.
  • Brouwer has finally been consistently throwing that big body of his around and it's made a huge difference on how teams treat his line mates.
  • I'm not sure what Bolland had for breakfast, but he needs to repeat. He gathered in a pass and put it right on Fernandog's stick, who needed to just be present for the goal. The Avalanche defense looked either tired or uninspired, I haven't decided which.
  • I feel much more comfortable with Leddy and Hendry out there behind the forth line more than I ever did with Cullimore and Boynton. The speed alone gives me the warm fuzzies.
  • On the second wide open goal of the night, Jack Skillington put the rebound of a Brent Seabrook shot into the net. The original shot was actually going wide, but Budaj wanted to make the play, and it burned him.
  • I couldn't be happier for Corey Crawford and his second consecutive shutout. He deserves the attention it's bringing him.
  • Call me a pig all you'd like, but the guy that is picking the talent for the intermission puck shoot deserves a handshake. Some of the most attractive women to wear the Hawks logo.
The Bad
  • Hey, Bolly! You're behind the net, on your forehand, and no one is pressuring you. So you force yourself to your backhand and make a bad pass to the wrong team. See where I'm going with this? You had an excellent game otherwise, so I'll lay off.
  • Pat Foley has been REALLY having issues with any player that has an "8" on their back. He's called Hossa Kane, Dowell Kane, and Kane Hossa.
The Ugly
  • The only thing worse than the Hawks penalty kill is the Avs powerplay. OOOFA!
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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