Thursday, December 23, 2010

To Catch a Predator

Two days before Christmas and what is our gift? A game that will most likely be low scoring and close. As advertised the first period was exactly that, as Bolly netted the only goal and the Hawks outshot the Preds 13-9. The second was more of the same, with Skillington denting the net, and the Hawks going into the locker room up 2-0. The third period had slightly more action with the Hawks scoring 2 and the Preds getting one on the powerplay. Not the most exciting game, but effective and productive. I'll take 6 more months of these games, if we get the same result.

The Good
  • Well, what do ya know? Invisi-Bolly decides to make an appearance for Christmas. What did we do to deserve that? Not like Lindback really gave him much of a fight. After he completely shit the bed on that pass, his ego was so hurt he just fell over in front of Bolly. Just for good measure, Invisi-Bolly assisted on Skillingtons goal. Why Bolland drew three Nashville defenders is beyond me. Davey gets three and Skille gets none. Makes perfect sense. Don't call off the Amber alert yet, because he's bound to disappear again.
  • FINALLY, Skillington showed he has a little sniper in him by roofing that goal over Lindback's glove shoulder for a 2-0 lead. Look at that, Joel, he CAN play on the powerplay, eh? Don't know WHO has been screaming about that all year long.
  • Skillington showed a little, yes I'm going to say it, Bryan Bickell with his snapper halfway through the third to pretty much put the game away. I'm not sure just what the Preds bring out of him, but I like it.
  • I keep saying it, but Crawford has been solid in a non spectacular way. Another great game. He needs a nickname soon, so that's my New Years Resolution.
  • After three games the "faceoff artist", and "penalty kill virtuoso" Ryan Johnson finally made an appearance on the penalty kill. He blocked two shots, and I guess I'm supposed to be impressed. As of right now, I'm still not impressed, nor will I be. Three forwards are scheduled to come back and there are only 2 "expendables", Big Show and Hendry. Guess who loses that 3rd spot?
  • One Trick Bick hit the score sheet again with a nice little headfake and snap shot. It's odd to see him actually score inside the circles, for once, but lets ride this wave. I saw someone comment on the Madhouse Enforcer and say that Bick reminded him of Brett Hull. Let's not get crazy now, that's just silly talk. Anyway, Game icing goal...Merry Christmas.
The Bad
  • Crawford's shutout bid ended when the Preds scored on a slow deflection at the top of a powerplay. Once again the penalty kill unit failed. This needs to change NOW!
The Ugly
  • No real ugly for two games in a row, so Merry Christmas...

Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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