Thursday, December 16, 2010

Colorado Calamity

The Hawks were looking to avenge the loss the other night, but the Avalanche had other ideas. It started off much better last night, but the ending was, again, a shit show. After one period they were down one nothing, but tied it up early in the second. The second ended with a 1-1 tie and set up a very important third. Once again, the wheels fell off the cart, and the Hawks gave up 3 goals. This is getting old.

The Good
  • One Trick Bickell was at it again. His goal was a great effort as he circled in and ripped a great shot over Anderson's glove. Like I said, the guy can shoot, and he's doing what he's good at. I wish more of the team would follow the example.
  • Corey Crawford had another huge outting, and made several big saves, but fell short in the third, when the defense fell apart.
  • Jonny B Goode got a real nice hard working goal. Nothing pretty about that one, but that was a huge play by the captain, at the time.
  • Power Brouwer's goal was too little too late, but he has been on fire. Let's hope that continues. At least he's finally doing something useful.
The Bad
  • The first Colorado goal was absolutely brutal. Boynton and Cullimore just backed their asses into Crawford, and let the Avs forwards shoot at will. C'mon, guys. What was that? Step up and hit someone
  • The powerplay was completely ineffective. The Hawks kept control, but didn't get many shots to the net at all. You have to take the kill shot with all the powerplays in the first period. When you don't capitalize on prime chances, you're going to end up in trouble.
  • The O'Byrne hit on Stalberg was bad. I can't say he was trying to be a complete asshat, but it ended up that way. That should have been more than two minutes, if Hendry got four later. Not that Stalberg has done anything of importance lately, but they could have used the extra legs.
The Ugly
  • Jordan Hendry played one or two shifts in the first period, and disappeared. In the third he had some terrible luck as the Colorado player skated into his elbow, and he was tagged with a double minor. Funny how the call was a high stick and his stick was nowhere near Winnik. None of the refs made a call until they noticed Winnik was down and that cost the Hawks the game.
  • Fleischmann continued to abuse Seabrook and Crawford with his two powerplay goals. The hat trick goal was simply the knife in the back of the Hawks. They just cannot catch a break, and it's getting old really fast.
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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