Monday, December 27, 2010

The Kaner Shuffle

Leave it up to me to be late to the party but there has been QUITE a little buzz on Twatter about this "Kaner Shuffle", so I had to check this mess out...and what a mess it is...Have a look for yourself:

  • Put some shoes on, kid. What are you, some kind of Cab Driver robbing Hillbilly?

  • Nice, "White Boy" shimmy. THAT will do a lot to change the perception that straight white men can't dance.

  • Sharpie's reaction is the best. Pure embarrassment.

  • Yes, that's the ghost of Jordan Hendry making an appearance from beyond the unmarked west side abandoned lot grave Quenneville has him buried in.

  • That Carrot Top vest/jacket thing is straight out of an 80's Devo video, or "Back to the Future".

  • Marty the Midget is right out of Goodfellas. I think he's channeling his inner Joe Pesci.

  • Apparently, Pick-to-Click Vik and Hammer are required to appear together because they are representing the common homeland, and Vik is a smiling mute.

  • The "Can-Can" is definitely the "Can't-Can't".

  • Carrot Top mumbles like a slow mental patient with mucus issues.

  • "That's an NHL Superstar right there" CLASSIC by Jonny B Goode. Great "Toews Faces" too, Captain Serious. The faces that the woman/women in your life must experience have to be priceless.

  • Marty the Midget looks like he has arthritis, when he's dancing.

  • Brouwser must be a HOOT on the college campuses.

  • Pick-to-Click Vik apparently doesn't even have enough balance to stand on one leg. Shouldn't we be worried about that?

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