Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shark Soup

So much for theory that the Hawks will know every nook and cranny that Antti Niemi is vulnerable. The ONLY team he's played excellent against is, yes, the Chicago Blackhawks. I guess if they keep him on the roster just to beat the Hawks in the playoffs, then he's worth it. Anyway, The first period had plenty of action, and a goal each way. No real domination either way, and both goalies played well. The second ended the same way the first did, with slightly less action, setting up a big third. The tgird was about the same as the second. A few chances but neither team scored. Overtime was as exciting as it could be, and Ryan Clowe put an end to the game with a changeup type onetimer.

The Good
  • I'm liking what I see from the first line of Jonny B Goode, Skillington, and Pick-To-Click Vik. They have energy and LOADS of speed. It's just too bad that none of them could finish. Vik and Jack are going to end up being part of the core of this team.

  • Just the other day I was saying how Jordan Hendry needs to play more, and he scores a goal. The only problem is that he BELONGS on defense. He's a defenseman. Let the guy do what he's best at, and that's not gathering frequent flyer miles and sitting in the press box. Nice to see him get a bit of glory though.

  • Results aside, Corey Crawford played an EXCELLENT game. He whiffed on that game winner, but he was expecting it to come in higher and harder, and Clowe sent in a lower changeup. This loss cannot be hung on Crawford in any way.

  • He didn't figure in the scoring and he took a bad penalty, but Skillington had a team high 7 shots on net. I love seeing him drive the net and shoot the puck. Sometimes simple is the way to go, and Jack Skillington has kept it simple.
The Bad
  • I know desperate times call for desperate measures, but that Scott, Hendry, and Dowell line is brutal. Yes, Scott and Hendry CAN play wing, but really, who cant? Just because you're in the kitchen doesn't mean you're a chef. Yes, Hendry scored a goal, but that doesn't change anything.

  • Goal number one by the Sharks was sort of a breakdown as the trailing forward wasn't picked up. Absolutely nothing Crawford could do on that. It was a perfect tip.
The Ugly
  • That waved off goal was just brutal. The Ref completely blew that call. Stalberg can't buy a break. That would have won the game for the Hawks.

  • The game winning goal looked fairly harmless, but Clowe put it in the one spot Crawford would whiff on it, which made it look very weak. It's an ugly way to lose a game after playing as solid defensively as the Blackhawks did.

  • In a game where Jordan Hendry scores the only goal, and The Big Show gets an assist, you HAVE to get some results from the big money people.
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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