Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Black and Blues

The Blues came out with a few nice chances early, but Crawford was up to the task, and the first ended 2-1 Hawks with a couple of nice goals by the Hawks. In the Second, the Hawks exploded for 3 goals, but it didn't last. The Blues came roaring back in the Third, and kept it close for a 7-5 final.

The Good
Just as I call out TomoKop, he snaps off the first goal of the game, and collects 3 assists. I'll call him out EVERY game if we get production like this. I can't say anything bad about that performance.

This was the night for call outs, as Big Show Scott and Janssen squared off, like I had predicted. Big Show certainly took the win, but Janssen is no Kevin Wesgarth and took it like a man. I give him credit, because he stood toe to toe with a much bigger man, and Scott did the only job he is any good at.

Shapie is absolutely on fire again, and made a great move/head fake combo on his goal. He made it look effortless. That line started the game with a plus 2, which is GREAT for Morin and Kopecky.

Brouwer's PP goal couldn't have been much easier, or embarrassing for the Blues. John Scott could have head butted that one into the net, with his empty cranium. Conklin didn't really bust his ass to get back in the net though, did he? Thanks for the effort, Ty. That's as plus 3 for Morin, as well.

Conklin really just looked like ass all night. That Toews powerplay goal just CAN'T go in. It should have been a slam dunk save, and it ended up in the net. The first Kaner goal wasn't his fault, because his defense left Kaner wide open right in front of the net, but the second one was bad. Stalberg beats him, and it ricochets off the post to Kane, who was allowed to poke it in. SOFT AS BABY SHIT.

The Seventh goal was just pretty, with a great fancy pants pass from TomoKop to Toews. You can't ask for much more than 7 goals with 3 coming on the powerplay. Well, other than your defense to NOT give up a 5-1 lead and eventually give up a total of 5 goals.

I don't want to give a recap without mentioning Jeremy Morin's welcome back with an assist and a fight. Give em hell, Kiddo. Rumor has it that those two fought in the "A" a little while back, and have some history.

The Bad
WOW, leave it up to Quenneville's stellar line combinations to have Boynton, Cullimore and John Scott all out on the ice at the same time. Skillington and The Snake must have been wondering what they did to deserve that group of cement shoes. What did you THINK would happen with those guys out there?

And, of course what kind of game would it be without a Dave Bolland asshole play? First he interferes with a Blues player and then the Blues score on the delayed call. Boynton? That scrap is looking better and better isn't it?

The third Blues goal was total Shanghai Fire Drill, and leave it up to John Scott's point man to put the puck in the net. That's 2 of three goals that Scott was out there for. Boynton? Momentum? Heard of it?

Goal Four...Boynton and Cullimore...How many times do I have to stress that shit show of a line? Sure, put them out there with useless Dave Bolland, and Slow Bickell and Brouwer, too. That Quenneville is a master line strategist isn't it? AWESOME! Dick? Momentum?

Speaking of Bolland; How about roofing it on that break, Davey? I didn't think so, just poke it into Conklin's pads, because we didn't need that goal anyway. And winning that faceoff right into the crowd? EPIC! He's really becoming a caricature of himself.

The Ugly
I would have normally just labeled this as "bad", but here was the turning point in the Hawks momentum. This just basically swung the game into a total state of chaos, with a single bonehead move. The Crombeen/Boynton fight. Give Crombeen all the credit in the world, because he baited an obviously mentally inferior man into a pointless fight. Boynton then pretty much proceeded get his dick beat in the dirt. Way to give in and change the momentum, Alligator Arms. Not only did you hurt Hossa, and not only were you were out there being completely ineffective during two goals against, BUT you changed the momentum in the Blues favor. You're just batting 1.000 aren't you? THIS is better than Jordan Hendry? Seriously? The only thing he DIDN'T do is rape Quenneville's wife and murder his kids. When does this madness end?

Here are the video highlights:

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