Thursday, December 30, 2010

Shark Attack

So, the game against San Jose marks the first game without Captain Serious. With Seabrook gaining the additional "A" and Jake Dowell taking center of the first line. The Hawks started well with a powerplay goal but gave up a bad one on a slow line change, and finished the first twenty minutes tied 1-1. The second period was a complete shit show for the first 19 minutes, but Troy Brouwer and Brian Campbell tied it up at 3's. They weren't so fortunate in the third, as the Sharks scored on the powerplay and finished the Hawks off with an empty net goal.

The Good
  • One of the biggest bright spots this year is Jake the Snake Dowell. I'm glad to see him getting a chance to center the first line.
  • The powerplay cashed in the first time they were out there, with Kopecky feeding a wide open Sharpie, who gave Niemi a little top cheese. Maybe a night of powerplay feasting? Not so much.
  • Duncan Kieth was dominant in his own zone. Simply dominant. Just too bad there was such a suckfest around him. Everyone else around him looked like they'd never seen a puck before.
  • Gotta love Brouwer's powerplay goal that was banked off Niemi's stick. That made me laugh like Deniro in Cape Fear.
  • Soupy, Soupy, Soupy! Campbell bit the hand that use to feed him, with an ENORMOUS goal to end the second period. That's what this team needed going into the third, because they were stinking up the joint before that. Of course it was right back to
The Bad
  • It was a matter of time before Turco really turned it over, and tonight was that night. He shot it right into the chest of the Shark's Ferriero, and the panic alarm went off. Luckily Duncs was prepared to bail him out, and did. I understand you're confident Marty, but there is such a thing as too confident. Take it down a notch.
  • The Hawks played with fire and had a bad line change in which Scott Nichol took a pass in behind the defense and just put the shot through Turco. That's one Marty will want back.
  • The Hawks were bending and finally broke on the 5-on-3. Turco didnt exactly put a stellar effort in on that one. You'd like to see him stay somewhat upright on that one, not flopping around like a fish. Ferriero was left with the entire top half of the net, and didn't miss it.
  • On the third goal, Hammer wanted nothing to do with tying up Dany Heatley. Another Goal that the Twatter and Facebook dopes will blame on Marty. That, folks, was a defensive breakdown goal.
  • San Jose goal number four was another powerplay goal against. The Hawks penalty kill is simply atrocious. AWFUL! After yet another bad penalty, Joe-ver Rated Thornton tipped a point shot past Turco. That was all the Sharks needed.
The Ugly
  • Hey Tomokop? Another offensive zone penalty? Dude, WHAT THE FUCK? Nice turnover on the powerplay, too. You're just batting 1.000 aren't you? BRUTAL mistakes. Where does it start and where does it end? He can't win a faceoff. The emply net goal was solely his fault. When does this end? Every time I jot down something he screws up on, he does it again or something worse.
  • Nick Boynton. NICK FUCKING BOYNTON!!! He takes a stupid ass offensive zone penalty, and the resulting powerplay has the puck ending up in the back of the net. WHY must we endure this shit? He's a blockhead, that's average at best, and he's making Jassen Cullimore look like Bobby Orr. Why would you blatantly slash the stick out of a guys hand like that? Brainless twit!
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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