Monday, December 27, 2010

The Redcoats Are Coming!

Before the game we learned that Corey Crawford was ill and Hannu Toivonen was called up to back up Marty Turco. Not only that, but Boss 81 and Pick-To-Click Vik were back on the ice. After a solid first by Turco and some dominant play by Boss, the Hawks were up 1-0 after the first. The second period was fairly uneventful with neither team scoring and finished 1-0, Hawks. The third was a whole different story as the Hawks pounced on multiple BJ mistakes and scored 3 goals. Solid game, and good win. Things are finally coming together.

The Good
  • It didn't take Boss long to make a difference in the game as the rebound of his 1st shot of the game was put in by Kopecky. Tomo-Kop has to be DELIGHTED that his big brother is back on the ice. Even though he's CLEARLY playing out of position, the look on his face after he scored was something to the effect of this:

  • Just when you start to think the powerplay is a shanghai fire drill, Sharpie rips a one timer in the back of the net. Feast or Famine.
  • Invisi-Bolly had to get into the action, on the powerplay no less, in the third. The play was made by Bickell and Brouwer, with two nice passes. The Killer B's, Yo! Yes, That was sarcasm.
  • I didn't even have time to jot down notes about the Bolland goal and Sharpie takes a Power Brouwer pass and rifles it in the net. Game OVER!
  • The Hawks were out shot, but it was only by two. Twenty seven shots is respectable, and a nice even keel for Marty to get his feet wet, again. Keep this up, and things will be looking up VERY soon.
The Bad
  • Hey, Brouwer? Sharpie? Anytime you'd like to shoot the puck would be OK with us. Not like they are just GIVING away 3 on 2's.
  • Nick Boynton if you'd like to pass you your own team, we'd greatly appreciate it. Just an idea.
  • Skillington has to go 5-hole on that penalty shot. No two ways about it. The rush that got him the penalty shot was a phenomenal one. That's just reason why he can't waste away on that forth line. Back down to seven and a half minutes of time for him, which is just brutal. He goes from the top line and 2 goals to the forth line and seven fucking minutes of play. Why do I bother?
  • The powerplay looked utterly clueless for the first two periods. Makes you wonder how that squad is one of the best in the league. Sometimes it's just baffling. Of course I ate my words in the third by what the hell was going on in the first two periods?
The Ugly
  • I was rooting for Turco and I just knew some dumb shit would break up the shutout, and of course, I was right. Bolland taking exception to some roughness in the offensive zone led to a BJ's powerplay, and a double screen on Turco ended up in the back of the net.

Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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