Thursday, October 21, 2010

Extra Time for a Threesome

I can't really say I wish I was at this game, because after the first half of the first period, it was like watching your mother get a Brazilian Wax. The Hawks got their two points, so we'll take it. As a goaltender, I absolutely hate shootouts. They don't always reflect how the rest of the game went, but I get that they are exciting for fans (gag,wretch,vomit). This should be brief, because there isn't much to rant about. Onward...

The Good
Boss 81 once again dominated the ice, but his scoring streak came to an end. Canucks fans can yap about Sedin and his MVP from last year, but that guy doesn't scare me, or anyone on the Hawks for that matter. Marian Hossa is ten times more dangerous, and could exceed my prediction of roughly 45 goal, at this pace. That's something I would love to be wrong about.

The Rodney Dangerfields of this team were two of the best players on the ice all night. Victor Stalberg and Jack Skille absolutely deserve more playing time. I don't give a shit what The Great Moustachio has to do, but they cannot be ignored any longer. They average far less time than any other line and yet they contribute more of a spark than that utterly painful line of Bickell/Bolland/Pisani. Stalberg has scored for two straight games, and Skille was taking the puck HARD to the net all night. What more does this line have to do? Skille was rewarded for his hard nosed play by getting the least amount of ice time, of any Hawk.

All three Hawks scored in the shootout, so you can't ask for more than that. Even though two of the three goals were fairly lucky. And to think, Boss 81 didn't even get a shot. That's a lethal shootout lineup. Not many teams in this league have options like this.

Marty the Midget looked even more cool calm and collected in net, and deserved a shutout. How many whacks are you seriously going to let them have at your goalie, guys? I never get enough of his aggressiveness and composure. I'm very happy to see him settling in. Where are all those dopey Turco haters now? Not so quick to open your yaps now, are ya? How's that Antti Niemi looking in Cali? Not all that impressive, with his .879 save percentage. I'll still take our Midget, thank you.

The Bad
Davey Bolland, I know you're out there, I can hear you breathing. The search team is being briefed and they are on their way. SIT HIM, PLEASE! Wake his ass up, with a healthy scratch. That line itself needs to be demoted to #4, for at least a game. Now, Fernando Pisani and Bryan Bickell don't exactly drip talent, but let's get this season rolling, gentlemen. I'm starting to think that we should call this line Fence, because there is no O in their game and they have to take a penalty to see Pisani do anything worthwhile.

The powerplay really looked ineffective, but it's one game. You can't score on every one. Bad? Yes, but hardly worrisome. The penalty kill let up the PP goal to Sedin.

John Scott and Jassen Cullimore were back to using their fat asses to warm the bench(snore), while Nick Boynton had the second most ice time, to Dunc. Yes, I said NICK BOYNTON. Culli, and Scott had around 9 minutes each, and at least Scott was back on defense, where he looks least awkward.

The Ugly
Really, there wasn't much ugly. The Refs weren't exactly stellar last night. There were a few more times when the Hawks deserved powerplays, but once again, it didn't end up costing them.

Here are the video highlights:

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