Sunday, October 24, 2010

Give It Away, Give It Away, Give It Away Now

"If you're not down with that, I've got two words for ya"

The Good
With Kopecky out for the night, Evan Brophey was called up, and didn't do a bad job. Moustachio shuffled up the lines a bit, and the line of Kane/Toews/Sharp was skating like their hair was on fire. Clearly, this line is something they need to keep trying to work with. It's too good to split up. The problem is that it leaves Hossa with absolutely no one as a line mate, while Kopecky is out.

Corey Crawford didn't play bad at all for sitting the ten days prior. Two of the goals were deflections that he didn't have mush of a chance on, and the first one was a rebound that was kicked right out to a wide open streaking Columbus forward. He made some very nice saved, especially the one he made with his right leg, late in the third, when the D left a wide open forward.

Jassen Cullimore has been making me look like a fool ever since he was called up, and I'm fine with that. I wear the jackass hat well. He's obviously, not Keith or Seabrook, but he hasn't been a liability at all, like his partner John Scott, and he's done what he's been asked of.

Skille and Stalberg were AGAIN sparks of talent. Skille had an other breakaway, and Stalberg had a great steal on the forecheck that resulted in a quality change right out in front of Mason. Keep it up boys, because you are forcing Stache's hand.

The Bad
Dave Bolland, Paging Mr. David Bolland. Your party is waiting for you at the customer service desk. Bolland has stunk so bad lately that it's rubbing off on people. He played with Hossa and Brouwer, and neither guy had a very good game. We can just act like Bolly isn't invisible and just generally sucking, or Moustachio can sit Davey for a game, to knock something loose. This is getting very old.

You can throw the Pisani and Bickell combo into that annoying category as well. They are earning less and less ice time, which could be used by players that are willing and able to get the puck to the net. Bad, Bad, Bad!

The Ugly
Very clear on this one. The careless boarding penalty by Brouwer, right after you've just given up a goal, in the last minute of the second period. From beginning to end, this was the demise of the Hawks. The just weren't the same team after this play. Thanks Troy, that's not the kick in the ass the needed.

Here are the video highlights:

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