Sunday, October 17, 2010

Leddy Don't You Lose My Number

"Hey, Dude, how do you get to Rockford, and can I stay at your pad?"

In a bit of a surprise, at least at this point in the season, Nick Leddy was sent to Rockford. I'm not sure what this will say for tomorrow night's game, because I'm going to have an aneurysm, if I have to watch the three headed Frankenstein monster of Boynton, Scott, Cullimore with their average skating speed of a three toed sloth and their collective empty craniums. I can only hope this mean's Brian Connelly is going to be making a visit to the UC in the near future. I can't say Leddy doesn't need some seasoning, but Cullimore isn't a fraction of the player Leddy is. I assume we'll be seeing a bit more Jordan Hendry as well. Joy.

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