Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wild Kingdom

I was hoping for a great bounce back game, and I guess I got what I was looking for, kind of. It was a strong defensive game and the Hawks finally held a team to under 30 shots. All good signs. It could have easily been 1-0 after the first, but Backstrom stoned Toews on the wrap around. Goals were scored by Brouwer, Keith, and Jake the Snake on the open net. Sorry for the short recap but I have to sleep at some point.

The Good
Turco rebounded very well from that complete mess from Friday night. That is a very good sign. The goal he gave up was sort of a fluke, so no harm done. A shutout would have been really nice, but what can you do?

Ryan Potulny was called up from Rockford and made his debut, after an injury to Dave Bolland. I'm not entirely sure what is going on with Bolland, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it's a deflated ego. Potulny played with Skille and Pisani, so at least he had one talented winger with him.

The PK, lead by Turco, did their job effectively. The Wild powerplay was 0-3, and you can't ask for any better than that.

The Bad
I have really gone easy on Hjalmarsson, but he's really been a guy without a partner. He looks like his head is spinning and overmatched quite a bit. I sure hope he settles down once Campbell is back, because I really feel bad for him playing with Boynton and Cullimore. Not exactly Norris Trophy partners.

The Ugly
John Scott...he is, indeed, ugly, and plays equally as impressive. That is all.

Here are the video highlights:

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