Monday, October 25, 2010

The Ever Popular "Ex-Girlfriend" Report

Whether people admit it or not, everyone secretly likes to see their ex fail, after they exit stage left. It's human nature. Show me a person that doesn't and I'll show you a liar. So, from time to time I'll be putting together a little piece with the status of former Hawks that are now elsewhere. I'll do all the leg work, to make it easy on you, aaaaaaand here we go:

The Stats
Andrew Ladd 8 Games 3-5-8 +2 2PIM
Dustin Byfuglien 8 Games 2-4-6 -5 21PIM (17 in the Capitals game alone)
Ben Eager 8 Games 1-1-2 +1 29PIM (14 in the Lightning game alone)
Kris Versteeg 7 Games 1-1-2 -4 11PIM
Brent Sopel 8 Games 0-1-1 +2 4PIM
John Madden 7 Games 1-0-1 -4 0PIM
Adam Burish 7 Games 1-0-1 +3 17PIM
Colin Fraser 6 Games 0-1-1 -1 9PIM

First of all, I think I remember stating that Ladd is the one player who's exit hurts the most. Eight points in eight games for a dreadful Atlanta Thrashers club, seems pretty important doesn't it? Fluff has looked well on the score sheet, but his Defense (-5) and self control have been suspect, as you will see below. Versteeg has done absolutely nothing skating with the top line in Toronto. Not so easy when you can't hide behind two other lines of talent, is it, Steeger? On to the goaltenders:

Antti Niemi 4games 4.49 GAA 1-3-0 .854
Antero Niittymaki 4games 1.80 GAA 2-0-1 .932 (included for comparison)

Second, I think I remember saying Niemi would be lucky to beat out Niittymaki for the starting job, when the starting job was his to have, here. How's that head to head looking, Forehead? For shits and giggles how are the current Hawks looking?

Marty Turco 7 Games 2.65 GAA 4-2-1 .921
Corey Crawford 3 Games 3.03 GAA 1-2-0 .912

And to leave no stoned unturned, Cristobal Huet is doing very well for his Siberian Snow Dog team (I know it's a Swiss National Team, save the angry emails and comments). I love this picture of him. It looks like an Indy Car fire suit with all that advertising on it, and that logo looks strangely like the Canadiens logo. Deja Vu all over again, Cristo:

Cristobal Huet 11 Games 2.28 GAA .936

How about a little video eye candy for the easily entertained? Here are a few little tidbits of the guys we HAD to have:

Big Fluff exhibiting his stellar defensive prowess and getting turned around like a top at a two year old's birthday party

Big Fluff scoring and showing how excited he is to be in Atlanta. I love this celebration. Brings back memories of the celebrations of last years playoffs, doesn't it? Actually, it reminds me of the Droopy The Dog.
"You know what? I'm happy"

Big Fluff runs Caps goalie Neuvirth and gets a game misconduct. Can someone explain to him that it's not the playoffs yet and that he probably won't be partaking in them when they finally arrive?

Antti Niemi getting drilled like a bowling ball. Top Cheese, Gentlemen

Niemi getting pulled after giving up 3 goals on 5 shots, in just over 8 minutes. Check out the top cheese by Iginla. How's that west coast Defense treating you now, Antti?

EDIT - It was pointed out that I left out Versteeg and Burish. It's obvious how anyone could leave Steeger out, with his grand total of 2 points, and Burish has been equally exciting, but this video of him apologizing for screwing up in some fan's NHL11 game is PRICELESS!

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