Thursday, February 16, 2012

Keep Trollin, Trollin, Trollin

Eleven days until the NHL trade deadline....breathe, just breathe...

One the things I try do accomplish with my insignificant little rag, here, is encourage fans to use common sense, and actually put that lump three feet above their ass to use. For that, I've failed miserably, and I apologize. Past free agent insanity and trade deadline speculation has been around for quite a while, but this year is BY FAR the worst. The rumors don't have to make sense, or even fit within the salary cap. Just grab some names, throw them in a hat, pick a few out, and harass a beat writer. They really make NO sense. Thanks to this wonderful tool, called Twitter, the Hawks beat writers are more accessible than ever to field these dumb theories. Most, if not all of these writers, are better people than I, but then again, who isn't? The majority of them ignore the complete stupidity of the general public, but one of them displays these ignoramuses for all the Twitterverse to see. Tim Sassone (@TimSassone)of the Daily Herald. He retweets a fraction of the painful stupidity he must endure on a daily basis. I have to both thank him, and curse him for this gift.

First of all, I have to thank him for pointing out this on going stupidity, and for also point out that people are just too damn lazy to actually take the time to research their question before asking. People will ask the same question over and over, even if the answer was posted on the Times Square video screen and they were forced, Clockwork Orange style, to stare at it for 36 hours. They are just too lazy. I'd be a little grumpy too, if people asked me questions, I answer them, and they ask me the same question again, and so on. Frustrating. He generally comes off as a grumpy old man to the general noodnik, but I've been in that situation, and my fuse was much shorter than his, let me tell you.

Secondly, I have to curse him, because the few people that WILL research their own questions, see this and think, "What the hell is wrong with Chicago Blackhawks fans?", followed up with a blog like this very one. DAMN YOU FOR MAKING MY MIND RACE, TIM SASSONE!!!! While I don't always agree with everything he says, I do agree with a good portion of it. If I agreed with everything, I'd have to have him arrested for identity theft. Moving on...

After watching a few of these tweets scroll by, I thought I would share them with you, and give a little shot of what Mr. Sassone must be thinking with each. Fun little game, no? Without further ado:

Cam Barker, good old Cam Barker. Well, Cam was so bad in Chicago that we traded him away for the rotting carcass of Kim Johnsson and a promising, yet still unknown, prospect named Nick Leddy. Cam Barker proceeded to stink up the joint in Minny, thus bringing on his eventual release. Lets just say his career isn't ascending.

Who said this, and WHY would the Canadiens dump a 24 year old All-Star goalie that they just fully committed to, just 2 summers ago? He is going to be a restricted free agent in July, and will probably double his salary somewhere, if not Montreal. They have nothing else in their system, and there isn't much out on the market, unless they are going to roll the dice with Josh Harding. Highly unlikely. Price has done nothing to show that he's worth giving up on.

I'm not really sure what you consider "good trade value", but a 27 year old defenseman with a $5.5 million cap hit until 2023, doesn't exactly make me come running for dinner, unless I'm Uncle Dale in Florida. You forgot to factor in that he is the team's #1 defender, and ice time leader. Diminished production or not, how do you expect to fill that hole?

I said this over a week ago, cheap and powerplay help, but everyone ignores me.

No, actually, they promote letting opponents take as many shots as possible on their own net. If that doesn't happen, they turn around and shoot on their own net. It's a proven system. Really. Obviously, The forwards aren't doing their jobs defensively. Doesn't this question answer itself?

Have you been living under a rock for 2 months? What part of "season ending knee surgery" wasn't beaten through your skull? You obviously know enough to know he's injured. Were you suddenly locked up abroad? Did you fall into a coma?

A regular healthy scratch for a team that's just struggling to stay afloat in the playoff race. That sounds like someone we NEED to have! How about Babchuk for Keith? Good trade value, no?

Other than the painful cap hit, and poor skills, sounds like a good idea. The only problem is that if you're looking for Huet in France you'll be looking a long time. He's playing in Switzerland.

If Nashville would make that trade, to a division rival that they have to face 6 times a year, they are the most stupid team in NHL history.

Tim Sassone, beat writer by day, Columbus tour guide by night.

I applaud this answer but nonetheless...

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