Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Blackhawks at Colorado - Loss Recap

"I'm Mister Icicle, I'm Mister Ten Below"

Well, wasn't THAT a relaxing 3 day break? ::Note Sarcasm:: What better do Hawks fans have to do in the midst of a dismal 3 week long road trip, and after 3 painful losses, but shout for the heads of everyone from GM on down to the Zamboni driver? I'm pretty sure it's Stanbo's fault that Wes Welker dropped that pass Sunday night, too. It's getting crazy in the Blackhawks Twatterverse, as well as in the media. Corey Crawford's re-acquisition of the yips isn't helping matters any, either, which led to second Razor Emery start in a row. Those of us with more sane outlooks, are just begging for a Blackhawks game to break the idiotic drama up. That is all contingent on the Hawks actually winning a game in the near future. Luckily, the Hawks rolled into Denver Tuesday night against a team that's been equally as cold in their last 5 games (0-4-1). If ever there was a night to stop the insanity, Tuesday February 7th was it. The Hawks had other ideas.

The game was pretty even for both teams, in the first period. Both teams had 9 shots on net, but the Avs had more scoring chances. The score could have easily been 1-0 or 2-1 Avs, but both goalies held their creases for a scoreless frame. Even though there were 4 goals scored in the second period, the Avs still held the scoring chance advantage. The Hawks goaltending was the only thing holding them in the game through the first two periods, and they were playing with fire. That all came to an end in the third period as the Hawks shit the bed just 38 seconds in and gave up 2 more, including an empty netter, on just 5 shots against. That is RARELY going to win you a game.

The Good

  • I felt that the lines Dr. Lineblender threw out in the first period were as they should be given the players dressed. 88-19-65, 81-36-10, 67-16-25, 15-17-22 with 2-7, 5-8, 4-6. I might like Stalberg and Shaw flipped, but I'm not going to raise hell about this setup. Of course, Quenneville can't keep the lines together for more than 20 minutes, so keeping track is pointless.
  • Seabs scored his second bad angle goal in a row, after a Deuce shot went off Stalberg, an Avs player, and then graciously appeared in Lucky Number Sleven's wheelhouse. Seabrook made no mistake, drilling it home, while Giguere roamed around in no man's land, looking for the puck. 1-0 Hawks.
  • Kaner made up for hanging out Toews out to dry on the first Avs goal, with a sweet backhand snipe of Giguere. Seabrook, Keith, Sharp and Kane played tic-tack-toe through the neutral zone, and that ended up with Kane having a step on David Jones. He drove hard to the net and looked like he surprised Giguere by sticking to his backhand. 2-2
  • Vik Stalberg made a BEAUTY of a move to undress two Avs late in the second but, you guessed it, couldn't finish.

The Bad

  • Don't mind us, folks. Just the Blackhawks and their usual shorthanded chances against. This is embarrassing. Another game, still the same old fucked up powerplay. There were THREE serious 2-on-1 chances against while they were on the powerplay. How can you honestly be THAT bad?
  • Maybe, just maybe, Leddy wasn't the one fucking up the second pairing, because Hammer looked just as flaky with Lurch.
  • A RARE Jonny Toews turnover led to the Avs first goal just three minutes after the Hawks goal. Peter Mueller was the recipient of an O'Reilly pass, for an easy tap in 2-on-1 goal. The play was initially set up, when Kane dumped the puck off to Toews, who was heavily covered, and really had no chance. Of course, that led to El Capitan turning it over, and eventually, a goal. Lay that one on Kanes hook for hanging Toews out like that. 1-1.
  • The Avs opened up the third period scoring just 38 seconds into play. Apparently, Seabrook and Keith weren't informed the put dropped, because they basically let Landeskog and Stastny have their way with Emery. In their defense, Emery should have been able to cut that angle down a little better too, but that entire play was one hot mess, and the Hawks looked like they couldn't have cared less. 3-2 Avs.
  • David Jones pretty much closed out the Hawks night with eight minutes to go in the game. The rookies (16/65) and Frodo got caught watching the puck and deep in the Avs zone, when they should have been covering for the pinching defenders, and Jones was left to outrace Lurch. Long story short, Emery ended up picking the puck out of the net. When it rains, it pours, and stupid mistakes lead to ugly goals. 4-2 Avs.
  • Montador didn't finish the game, and it wasn't because he was in the doghouse. Apparently, he was injured somewhere in the bedlam.
  • It only took 3 games for Brandon Morrison to completely lose his luster. File that one away in the Fail File.
  • The Hawks centers were all average to below average at the dot, with El Capitan winning only 38% of his draws.
  • I might finally be done with Frolik. He just looks void of any confidence. It's a damn shame, because the kid has talent and I like his willingness to throw himself around recklessly, but it's just NOT working.

The Ugly

  • Thirty five seconds after the Mueller goal, Milan Hejduk took advantage of a sloppy, flat footed Deuce turnover at the Hawks blue line, and used the 3-on-1 to his advantage. The puck ended up on the stick of new Hawks killer, David Jones, and then in the net. There are just too many brutal goals against immediately following goals either way, this season.
  • I said it on Twatter last night and I'm saying it again; If Brendan Morrison is on your powerplay, your powerplay is absolutely fucking TERRIBLE.
  • The empty netter was the epitome of the Blackhawks night. A bank shot from center ice, that wasn't even intended for the net. Bullshit. Three goals on 5 shots in the third period. I'm Paul Harvey, And THAT'S the rest of the story.
  • When an opposing team blocks 21 shots and you only block 8, that's not a good sign.

Here are your video highlights:

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