Saturday, February 4, 2012

Blackhawks at Calgary - Loss Recap

"And I'm Free...Free Fallin"

That Oiler game sure what painful, wasn't it? I watched Thursday's game on the DVR, which was even more painful. There are two good things Hawks fans can all say about this game against Calgary. It's not against the Oilers, and Sam Gagner is not on their roster. Other than that, the Hawks situation is concerning. YES, there are still almost 4 weeks until the trade deadline, and roughly 30 games until the playoffs, but sliding down this slope, on a 3 week road trip, can be a season killer. In the words of R. Lee Ermey, "You had best UN FUCK yourself". That's the best I can say to Bowman, Quenneville and the rest of the organization. It needed to start in Calgary, but obviously the Hawks had other plans.

As we've all seen quite a few times this year, the Hawks had a majority of the early chances in this game, but gave up an early goal. The Hawks didn't let that keep them down, and tied the game back up late in the frame. Keeping the game close was what they had to do. The second period was all Flames as they out shot the Hawks 16-6 thanks to some Flames powerplays, and the Flames were able to take the lead on a 4 minute powerplay. Was this a hangover from the beating they took the night before? That may have been the case, because the Hawks weren't able to score in the third either. Calgary took advantage of a defensive gaffe and put the Hawks away, 3-1.

The Good

  • After 2 pretty uneventful games centering the second line, Tommy Gunn was moved to a slot a little more fit for his skills, the fourth line, and the Dream Warrior was moved back to the second line. Hammer was moved to the third pairing with Lurch, and Frank the Tank was moved up with Leddy. I still would have preferred Frolik playing with Bolland and Shaw, instead of Bickell, but beggars can't be choosers, I suppose.
  • Kaner might not be scoring, but he's passing his ass off. Shooter and Toews got the puck to Kane deep in the Flames zone and left him with enough time to find Seabrook sneaking in on the back door. Kane was able to hit Seabs with a pin point perfect pass, who was able to beat Kiprusoff from a tight angle, to tie up the game at 1-1.
  • MegaMayers has been on fire around the net. He's not scoring every night, but he just knows where to go and goes to those spots hard. Very consistant. You don't usually see that much action from a 4th line winger around the net.

The Bad

  • Oli Jokinen put the Flames up 1-0 on a goal that was originally waved off, and on just their 4th shot of the first period. He chirped in the ear of the center ice ref and got the call he wanted. The play looked innocent enough, but letting a guy like Jokinen tee up a shot from that distance isn't the best of plans.
  • Deuce got caught looking for some offense, and Jarome Iginla snuck in behind him. Tanguay saw this and hit him on the tape with a pass for a break-a-way goal. That one is all on Deuce. It shouldn't need to be pointed out that Jarome Fucking Iginla can't be in behind you waiting for a clean pass, and you can't count on your baseball skills to pick that pass off either. Just too fucking risky.
  • Goals aside, When you're out shot in the final two frames of a game, you're not going to win many of them.
  • Frolik and Bickell were the only two Hawks to play under 10 minutes, which is what you'd you'd expect from those two at this point.

The Ugly

  • It seems to be the case lately, but one of the defining moments of the game was the Frodo double minor at the close of the second period. Sloppy sticks! Bouwmeester and Jones got in behind Seabrook and Keith pretty much having their way with a helpless Ray Emery. Razor made the first save through a screen but didn't have such luck with the rebound.

Here are your video highlights:

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