Friday, February 24, 2012

Blackhawks vs. Stars - Loss Recap

"Finish What You Started"

Thursday night the Dallas Stars traveled from Texas for a tilt in Chicago, on the eve of DLR and Van Halen visiting the United Center, WHICH I WILL BE ATTENDING. There were many story lines that came with this game. The Stars were perceived as sellers at the deadline and the Hawks buying. Names like Mike Ribeiro, Adam Burish, Brenden Morrow, and Sheldon Souray have all been mentioned as available. I haven't been quiet about my desire for Souray, so I won't bore you with that, here. There was actual hockey to me played, so lets get to it.

When I said there was hockey to be played, I suppose I meant BORING hockey; at least boring in the first period. The Hawks out shot the Stars 6-5 in the period, but there weren't really many scoring chances either way. This play should benefit the Hawks, but they had to get something going. I interrupted my pregame nap for this? They got something going, as second period was slightly in the Hawks favor. They opened up the scoring and held the Stars scoreless. The Hawks began the third frame in pretty good shape, but then it all fell apart. Three late deflected Dallas goals put the Hawks down to bed unhappy losers.

The Good

  • Imagine that! Bryan Bickell CAN hit people! My eyes didn't deceive me.
  • Hossa and Frolik (yes, he's still on the team, #67 in your programs) worked to get the Hawks a 1-0 lead, half way through the first period. Frodo dug the puck out of the corner and made a bee-line to the front of the net. Just as Frolik's shot was stopped, and I was thinking to myself "Frolik will never score again", Hossa picked up the free puck and beat Bachman. 1-0 Hawks.
  • The first Stars goal aside, Hossa was still the best forward on the ice for the Hawks. Quite a few chances and, of course, the goal.
  • The Hawks centers were actually good at the dot, especially against anyone NOT named Steve Ott. Ott was 8 for 11 and the rest of the team were 19 for 36.

The Bad

  • Dylan Olsen has looked fairly good, the more he's played, but the Stars Garbutt (yes that's really his name) skated by Olsen like he was standing still, after a bad Kruger offensive zone turnover (nice drop pass to the invisible man, Krugs!). When Olsen doesn't have time to compensate, he is sickeningly slow. For all the happy horn tootin going on about Olsen, no one seems to mention how horribly slow he is.
  • Noted agitator Steve Ott tied up the game half way through the third, when Hossa made a couple of rare defensive mistake. He left his position early, before the puck could get out of the zone and the Stars held it in. Eventually, Hoss got a second chance to get it out and just nudged it right to Daley. Daley took a long shot that worked it's way to the stick of Ott, who redirected it past Crawford. Commence opening of flood gates.
  • Five minutes after the Ott goal, Michael Ryder tipped a long Ribeiro shot past Crawford. Just too much traffic in front of the net with too many opposing sticks on the ice. Guys, that's basic defense. 2-1 Stars.
  • Aaaaaaaand few minutes later, Brent Seabrook kicked an innocent looking Michael Ryder shot AT Crawford, to put the Stars up 3-1, with some assistance by Loui Eriksson. At this point the Hawks and Crawford have to be wondering what in the name of all that is evil, was going on. They could not catch a break. Crawford looked genuinely surprised that he had to save a Seabrook shot on his own net.
  • Not the best of nights for Brent Seabrook. I'm a big Seabrook fan, but he was on the ice for all the goals for...and all the goals against, including the one he kicked on his own net to put the Stars up 3-1.
  • I'm sure that I'm going to see some brainiac babbling about the absence of John Scott; oh wait, he actually PLAYED!
  • The hit stats aren't really a telltale sign, but when you're out hit 41-15, you haven't given your best effort.

The Ugly

  • Fifty minutes does not a game make. Say it with me, Men of Four Feathers.
  • Annnnnnd this time, Adam Burish was the lucky recipient of the season long regular feature, "Shorthanded Break-a-Way Of The Game". You're welcome, Bur, it's a once a game occurrence, so don't think you're special. If I hear another Burish trade scenario, or I'll jam a dull pencil into said idiot's thorax.
  • I'm beyond ever expecting anything productive from the powerplay again...unless they pull off a trade for Sheldon Souray. No pressure, Stan.
  • Third period shots: Dallas 15, Blackhawks 5. At home, nursing a one goal lead. No "rocket surgery" here, gents. Run out of gas much?

Here are your video highlights:

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