Saturday, February 18, 2012

Blackhawks at Columbus - Win Recap

"Colossal Slump Buster"

With a weekend of matinee games on the agenda, the Hawks rolled into Columbus to face the Blue Jackets and a player they WON'T be acquiring, Rick Nash. Even though Columbus is warming up, they aren't a good team. Last in the NHL, and working with an interm head coach. Injuries and drama have crippled them. Before the other nights game, this was the game all Hawks fans were expecting the team to end their losing streak in. Lets just hope for 2 in a row, with a win in Ohio.

The Hawks came out slow and sloppy in the first period, yielding the lead on a bad turnover. They woke up and scored two of their own, outscoring the Jackets 11-10 in the opening period. The Jackets out shot the Hawks 14-12, in the middle period, but the Hawks out scored the Jackets 2-0 to take a 4-1 lead into the third. The third period was a joke. The Hawks scored two more goals to put the Blue Jackets to bed.

The Good

  • El Capitan threw the team on his back and his balls on the table, going end to end and driving right around Jeff Carter to tie the game up at 1-1. Really no excuse to let a player go right around you like that, Mr. Carter, but we'll take that gift.
  • Pick-to-Click Vik put the Hawks up 2-0 on a nice feed from One-Trick-Bick. Bickell out raced the Jackets defender and quickly found Stalberg wide open in front of the net. Stalberg one timed it on Mason, who was out of position in the first place, and it bounced up and flipped over the goaltender, into the net. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a Columbus fan, and watch this. Makes you appreciate the Hawks much more when you think of it that way, doesn't it?
  • Kaner dished a sweet cross ice pass to a WIDE open Shooter, who took a tight angle one timer from Mason's right side, and beat him for a Blackhawks 3-1 lead. The Kane pass was the highlight of the play, threading the needle between two Columbus players right to Sharpie's tape. I don't know what the media or fans were thinking, suggesting trading Kane, but this is one of many examples why that is an asinine idea.
  • Kane followed up his nice pass to Shooter, by using former Hawk James Wisniewski as a tool. Kane put his shot between his legs and beat Steve Mason for a 4-1 Blackhawks lead, ending Mason's afternoon in net. After he was pulled, CSN caught Steve Mason bitching at coach Todd Richards in a pretty animated manner. And people think we have goaltending problems in Chicago. OOOFA!
  • Bruno and Dream Warrior hooked up with 5 minutes gone in the third, to expand the Hawks lead to 5-1. Bruno saucered a pass across to Kruger who was actually tied up. Kruger was still able to get a stick on the pass and chip it past York.
  • Less than a minute after the Kruger goal, Lepisto scored his first Blackhawks goal, off the back of John Moore. When it rains, it pours. How did that one feel, Columbus? That was a guy that couldn't trip onto the ice, and he's putting the exclamation point on a home ice loss.
  • Nick Leddy was set up by Kaner late in the second period, and skated right past three Jackets players. Leddy made a slick little move on York, but he didn't score. That play was a nice preview of what is to come with this kid. He's still green and wet behind the ears, but he's going to be a good player for this team.
  • Nice to see Purple Hayes come out punching. Even though he didn't really get many shots in, he went toe to toe with MacKenzie. Welcome back, Kiddo.
  • I have to completely honest. I haven't really missed Hammer. Lepisto's early turnover aside, him and Olsen have been alright. Might this show the Hawks that Hammer is expendable?
  • Deuce was a plus 4 and had an assist on the day.

The Bad

  • Sami Lepisto didn't make a good argument for more playing time by hitting the Blue Jackets Derrick Brassard right on the tape, at the Hawks blue line. Brassard took the gift and blew it past Crawford's glove for a 1-0 Jackets lead. There is really no excuse for that turnover. He wasn't pressured and had plenty time. I can't defend you on that one, Pistol.
  • Not that it really means anything, but the Haws were outhit 29-7.
  • Did Rick Nash even suit up? The guy was invisible. THAT'S a guy the Hawks definitely need.

The Ugly

  • Derek Dorsett absolutely made my afternoon when he went after Big Slow, following the Lepisto goal, and Columbus time out. Dorsett looked like a toddler playing with his big Uncle John going straight for Scott after the puck was dropped. Dorsett got one shot in on Scott, and Scott proceeded to beat the SNOT out of him. I was crying because I was laughing so hard. There is NO way Scott could have made a bigger mockery of Dorsett. Beat the piss out of the guy, and then laugh at him and dress him down while he's tossed from the game. Watch it here, enjoy and laugh your ass off:

Here are your video highlights:

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