Sunday, February 20, 2011

Steal One from Steeltown

Hockey Day in America and the Hawks had a tough one here. Even though Pittsburgh is missing some big stars, the Hawks were missing Joel Quenneville for the third straight game. Haviland switched up the line a little and it seemed to light a flame under the Blackhawks asses. The first period was all about the Hawks as they out shot the Pens 13-7 and came away with the only goal of the period. The second period was a little shift in momentum as the Pens out shot the Hawks 11-8 and also scored a shorthanded goal to tie the game. As we've watched all year long, the Hawks blew yet ANOTHER third period lead late in the game and were forced into overtime. The overtime was eventful but no one scored and the Hawks won in the shootout with the only goal being scored by Kaner. We'll take it.

The Good
  • At first look you would have noticed that Haviland juggled the bottom 3 lines a little. The lines were: Bickell-Bolland-Hossa, Frolik-Dowell-Brouwer, Stalberg-Johnson-Kopecky. They make sense too, with Frolik struggling and Bickell playing well. I never thought I'd like to Ryan Johnson out there, but they needed another actual Center on the ice, and ANYONE is better than John Scott out there.
  • The Hawks first goal was a thing of beauty. Kane fed Hjalmarsson, who fed Toews, who fed a wide open Sharpie in the slot. Not like there wasn't a Penguins d-man standing there with his nuts in his hand, so the reason he was allowed to be that open is beyond me.
  • Toews, Dowell, and Ryan Johnson were dominant in the faceoff circle, and Bolland was 56%, which is not terrible at all.
The Bad
  • Tyler Kennedy looks like a pug, and in a scary mutant swine way, as opposed to the cute cuddly way.
  • I'm SO tired of hearing Pierre McGuire's voice. Everything about him makes me dry heave, and he is such a kiss ass. He stands there and tells everyone that Bylsma should take a timeout and then crows "That's good coaching right there" when he used the timeout. Way to pat yourself on the back Pierre. You're still a complete tool. I loved how Pierre was jerking off Fleury, in the shootout, about how unbeatable he was and Kaner proceeded school him. Dumb shit!
  • Pierre McGuire, and Eddie O need to shut their yaps about the hit by Shooter on Paul Martin. It was really a harmless fight for position, and you can't penalize a player every time someone gets hurt. It's hockey. Sharp nudged Martin a little and Martin wasn't really braced for it.
  • The Hawks had a complete defensive breakdown on the second Pens goal. Keith and Campbell just looked lost, and Crawford was down and out after going committing to the initial shot.
  • Not only does Hossa miss the net with under a minute to go in the game, but then he takes a penalty to negate the powerplay. That's clutch, Hoss.
The Ugly
  • Bryan Bickell came out quick in the third period and scored a "soft as baby shit" goal. He just lightly wristed a shot at the net and Fleury whiffed on it. That was a gift of immense proportions.
  • Of all people to let score a shorthanded goal to tie up the game. MATT COOKE? Yes, noted league wide ball sack, Matt Cooke. Come ON, guys. That's sloppy.
The Shootout
  • Toews was stopped by Fleury
  • Dupius hit the post
  • Shooter was stopped by Fleury
  • Letang was stopped by Crawford
  • Kaner scored on Fleury
  • Kennedy was stuffed by Crawford
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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