Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mediocre is Getting Old

The day started off well, with the announcement of the Brent Seabrook 5 year extension. Now that we have that hurdle taken care of, the Hawks needed to dispose of the Coyotes, which didn't come easy. The Hawks came out with a purpose and completely dominated the first period, out shooting the Yotes 17-8 and leading 2-0. As has happened all year, the following period was the complete opposite. The Coyotes came out and out shot the Hawks 14-9 and out scored them 3-1 to bring a 3-3 tie into the third period. Nothing is going to be easy this season. The Third had a few chances, including a waved off Hawks goal, and the game was forced into overtime, and the Hawks finally won it in the shootout.

The Good
  • It only took the Hawks three minutes for Captain Serious to score a goal from an absolutely atrocious angle. Just goes to show you that you don't score on 100% of the shots you don't take. Great start.
  • The way the Hawks opened up this game had to look promising to every fan and ctitic. When you out shoot a team 17-8, you are dominating.
  • Our newest wealthy team member, Brent Seabrook, celebrated his new contract with a laser of a one timer that looked to be tipped by Captain Serious, on a two man advantage, for a 2-0 lead. The first period was one of the most dominant periods the Hawks have played, since last June.
  • Powerplay goal number two in the second period a complete garbage goal, but it all looks the same on the score sheet. Boss 81 picked up Kaners garbage and chipped it up and over Bryzgalov to put the Hawks up 3-1.

The Bad
  • I was disappointed to see no Paul "Biz Nasty" Bissonette out there. VERY disappointed, but when Foley announced that Biz Nasty would have to be the emergency backup netminder because Jason LaBarbera was hurt in warm-ups, that made my night.
  • The Yotes came out in the second period with a little more edge, and former Blackhawk Adrian Aucoin took a nice feed, and put a one timer through a triple screen. That's a hard save to make, and Crow had no chance.
  • Norris Trophy candidate Keith Yandle made it 3-2 Hawks just over half way through the second on a one time powerplay goal. Crow really didn't seem to be picking up the one time screen shots, at that point, not that he really could with people screening him like they were.
  • Crawford can thank Deuce for that shot to the neck by Doan. Keith had a chance to chip it into the zone and he turned it over at the Yotes blue line, and Doan was in, and put a hurting on Corey. That one will hurt tomorrow, I can promise.
  • It didn't take the Hawks long to give up their second power play goal of the game. Martin Hanzel picked up a Radim Vrbata rebound and put it in the net. So much for that dominant first period.
  • Most of the Hawks did OK in the faceoff dot, but Jake the Snake was eaten ALIVE, going 1 for 6. That's not going to do it, for our third line center, Snake.

The Ugly
  • The second period and the penalty kill were just awful. A true playoff team needs to kill penalties effectively.
  • Hendry's injury could do the Hawks in, or could really force them to make a move for someone decent. If they can't make a deal, we could be forced to watch Big Show John Scott play defense again, and that will NOT be pretty. Just the prospect of that makes me nauseous.
  • This was the exact opposite of the Blues game, where the Blues dominated the first and fell apart the rest of the game. The Hawks started fast in the first, and came back to earth. We can't even count on them to play a full game consistently.

The Shootout
  • Toews scored 5-Hole on Bryzgalov
  • Upshall was stopped by Crawford
  • Sharpie was denied by Bryzgalov
  • Vrbata was stopped by Crawford
  • Kaner was stopped by Bryzgalov
  • Turris was denied by Crawford
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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