Friday, February 11, 2011

North Dallas Futility

With all the hoopla of the "Turco back in Big D" situation, the Stars seemed to have forgotten there was a game to play. The Hawks opened up what should have been a 4-0 lead in the first period, and the Stars were left wondering if they could have a "do over". Dallas got a little luck with the 4th goal being disallowed, but they were still in a 0-3 hole. The second period ended being the complete opposite of the first, with Dallas scoring two powerplay goals, cutting the lead to one goal going into the third. The third started like the second ended, with a Stars goal. All that hard work in the first period was wiped away, as the game was tied 3-3. The rest of the game was scoreless and the Stars won it in the shootout. Simply terrible. This team doesn't deserve to make the playoffs.

The Good
  • The Hawks wasted no time jumping on a turnover with under four minutes gone in the first, Pat Kane jumped a pass from the Star's Grossman, and sniped Kari Lehtonen with a nice top shelf stick side laser. That's what we've been waiting for. Chris Boden made a great call as he said, "Nick Grossman turned into Rex Grossman". I don't care who you are, that's funny, right there.
  • Thirty one seconds after the Kane goal, Seabrook buried a one time feed from Tazer, after ANOTHER Grossman turnover, and it was 2-0 with less than five minutes gone in the first period.
  • Even the powerplay was on, in the first, as Captain Serious fed Shooter on the back door as has happened so many times this year. Nice to see the powerplay waking up, especially with Hossa out. This goal gave Kaner 3 points already in the game. This is where the Hawks fell asleep.
  • The other shenanigans that went on overshadowed the solid game Marty Turco had. Well, except for that embarrassing shootout. The entire team let him down, though, and they shouldn't have even been in a shootout.
The Bad
  • Unfortunately, the Hawks were without the services of Hossa, as he's listed day-to-day with the flu. Brouwer took his place with Frolik and TomoKop.
  • Absolutely ALL cylinders were pumping with what should have been the second powerplay goal of the first period, by Seabrook. No disrespect to Kari Lehtonen, because he made a HELL of a save, but that was a goal. Bad call by the war room in Toronto and it changed the game immensely.
  • I'm not really sure why, but the Stars had Michael Frolik's number all night. He was lit up with big open ice hits in each of the first two periods. Get your head up, kid, or it's going to get knocked off.
  • Early in the second period Vik Stalberg took an awkward hit deep in the Dallas zone and came up holding his shoulder. He wasn't seen after that.
  • After Stalberg left, Pisani was the lucky recipient of an elbow that took HIM out of the game. They were just dropping like flies.
  • Between the second and third period it was announced that the THIRD injured Hawks player of the night, Ryan Johnson, would not return. Old School hockey now, boys. Eddie Shore...Toe Blake.
  • As luck would have it, the Hawks were killing a Bryan Bickell penalty and gave up a soft, short side powerplay goal. Here it comes. The shift began here.
  • I was right, as usual, and the Stars followed that up with a second powerplay goal with 4.2 seconds in the second period.
  • Forty seven seconds into the third period Ocho and Deuce let Brenden Morrow and Jamie Langenbrunner tee off on Turco. Three goal lead gone, just like that. Fucking Hawks, and fucking war room in Toronto!!
The Ugly
  • The disallowed goal didn't seem like a big deal at the time, but it took the wind out of the Hawks onslaught. It's a shame too, because I would have really liked to see a 6 or 7 goal game. Instead we saw all the life sucked out of the team. Like they really need any help sucking.
  • Mike Ribiero is a whiny little bitch. He stuck his knee out on Seabrook and cried like a little bitch when he was called for it. Someone should have taken his head off. I really dislike that smarmy little smart ass show off. I wish Matt Cooke on you.
  • Like a bad fairy tale, the Hawks couldn't score a single goal after the first period, and ended up losing in the shootout. ANOTHER third period collapse.
  • The worst part of this WHOLE thing is that all the fucking delays in the game made the game run over a half hour late. Just enough for my DVR to cut off the game as the OT hit 0:00. I missed the entire SO. After watching it online, I wished I hadn't. My point here is that the Hawks should have never been in that position in the first place. They took their foot off the gas again, and it blew up in their face.
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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