Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Late Blue Jackets Wrap, 51 down

My apologies for the late wrap-up, but I was without internet for 24 hours.

Game number 51 started the same way the first 50 did, nothing different. The Jackets went up VERY early in the game, but the Hawks came back with two in the first period to go into second up 2-1. The second period was a shootout with the Hawks scoring 3 and the Jackets scoring 2. The third continued the scoring with the Hawks netting 2 more and the Jackets scoring a bad one. It wasn't really all that solid, but they netted 7 goals. One down and 31 to go.

The Good
  • What a way to start the the second half of their season, with a powerplay 6 seconds into the game. Too bad they couldn't cash in.
  • Nick Leddy picked up a loose puck in the slot and wristed it into the upper corner of the net and went of the post and in. Nothing pretty about it, but it's a goal nonetheless.
  • I chuckle every time I hear the name Grant Clitsome.
  • If they didn't score on the 2 man powerplay, I would have been livid, but Keith had an open shot and didn't shoot it into an opponents shin pads, shockingly.
  • The Hawks third goal was led by Pick-to-Click Vik and Captain Serious on a 3 on 2 that was a 2 on 2 because no one wanted Pisani touching the puck. Jonny and Vik played catch back and forth, and Toews fed Vik on the back door to poke it in the net. Stalberg needed that one, because he was drifting into obscurity. Credit Fernandog with causing a ruckus in front of Mason.
  • The timeout call by Quenneville obviously woke the Hawks up, and they scored their forth goal off a Jackets turnover that was fed out to Kaner, who buried it.
  • Jonny B Goode got his third point of the second period with forty seconds remaining and the Hawks shorthanded. He poked a puck past the defense and came in on a 2 on 0 with Duncan Keith and buried it in the net.
  • Bolly decided to make an appearance in the third period as the Jackets defense gave Bolly and Bick a WEALTH of room, and Bolland snapped it into the net. Weak goal for Garon to give up after relieving Mason in the third.
The Bad
  • Dick Boynton is NOT who I want to see out there, in the first of a series of important games. Poor Nick Leddy gets paired up with that abortion. Sure enough, he takes a puck off that hideous face in the second period and it ends up in the net.
  • Goal number one for the Jackets was just weak. Keith completely missed his check on Dorsett, it deflected off Sharpies stick, and Turco looked like he didn't even want to put in a decent play. This is the effort we're going to get Dunc? Dorsett didn't exactly put on a particularly slippery move.
  • I'm not sure why Bolland is playing with the first PP unit rather than Brouwer, but it's throwing something off.
  • Brent Seabrook got absolutely wrecked by RJ Umberger while the Hawks were killing a third period penalty by Toews. WRECKED!
The Ugly
  • On the second Jackets goal, Rick Nash made Toews, Keith and Seabrook like complete DUNG as he walked through the middle of them and fed Broussard for a tap in goal. To make matters worse, the Jackets scored one off the ugly mug of Nick Boynton less than a minute later.
  • Matt Calvert absolutely shit all over Nicks Boynton and Leddy, and then gave Marty Turco a porno style facial for the finishing move. Way to tie the guy up, Boynton.
  • I wish I could tell you how the end of the game ended, but the cable went out with 1:30 left and Sharpie going into the box for a trip. SnowJob 2011, thank you very much. Mother Nature is a WHORE!
Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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