Monday, November 15, 2010

Semi-Attractive Duckling

The Hawks had one last chance to get THIS Circus rolling before they leave for a 6 game road trip. Now comes the ACTUAL infamous Circus trip, but as of late, every Hawks game could be considered a Circus trip. Tell me if this sounds familiar; The Hawks go into a third period with a one goal lead, play a sloppy period, give up the lead, and head into overtime. Viktor Stalberg made sure that the game didn't end like it did Saturday against the Preds. At first glance, I thought Dave Bolland put the puck in, but then I realized that was simply impossible.

The Good
I'll start this off with the best part of the last two games...John Scott sat his big ass in the press box. Thank god for small favors. This was about 18 games too late.

The Powerplay was back, and they took advantage quickly. Kaners goal was a nice way to start the game. This powerplay should be named "Feast or Famine", because that's what it is. Either they look like world beaters or they look like dick beaters. There is no middle ground. The most noticeable change, this game, was the switching of Keith with Seabrook on the first powerplay line. Keith honestly deserved to be demoted after his poor play on recent powerplays, and Seabrook wasn't terrible. He wasn't lighting the world on fire, and he was shooting directly into every opposing players shin pads that he could find. I would ask Moustachio why Brian Campbell isn't capable of leading the first unit, but they got the job done last night, as is.

Hossa did a great job of following up after a nice post-to-post save from Hiller for the Hawks second goal on the powerplay. If at first you don't succeed, fire it right back at his 5-hole. With all the theatrics in OT, Boss's goal was sort of overlooked, but it was huge at the time.

Pick-to-Click Vik came up big for the second night in a row. He's shown that he belongs playing with the big boys. Just to remind you Versteeg lovers that cursed Stalberg. Kris Versteeg missed on another breakaway in spectacular fashion, but apparently he can still score on 8 year olds, which is a step up. Atta boy, Kris. That would make three goals on the season for you. All the while, Mr. Stalberg now has six goals, including last night's game winner. That's three short of his total last year in 40 games. A change of scenery has made a difference for both players, hasn't it?

The Bad
I don't know what more Dave Bolland needs to do, but even with an open net he can't seem put it in. I'm thinking that is a Dave Bolland stunt double, because the real Dave Bolland isn't that bad. Is he? He's skating with two of the top snipers in the game (although Kane is only playing like an AHL all-star), and can't manage to do a god damn thing.

After completely dominating the second period, they ONCE AGAIN couldn't hold the lead in the third. This shit is really old. What more do you need? Better conditioning? Better players? Holy shit on a shingle, guys. You're professionals, and you need to learn to play 60 minutes, and in this case 65, that does include the last 20. Not only that, but they out shoot a team 16-6 and can't manage more than one goal? They needed a powerplay to achieve THAT.

The second Anaheim goal was a beautiful play by Perry and a pitiful play by the Hawks. Hammer pretty much evacuated all over himself with that Perry head fake, and Perry did what a professional sniper does; SCORE. Take note Tazer, Kaner, and Shooter. THAT is how you do it. Not offer up a putrid backhand pass, once you're already in too close, and bank it of the defensman's skate harmlessly behind the net. Just saying, Jonny 3-on-2.

The Ugly
Duncan Keith was absolutely mugged in his own zone, and Corey Perry made no mistake, and put it in the back of the net. Clearly Duncs had his head firmly planted up his ass on that one. No matter how you Eddie tries to defend it, as a professional hockey player you have to feel the pressure on your back and GET THE FUCKING PUCK OUT OF THE ZONE! He had a wide open guy on his left and just had to chip it up. How does one win the Norris trophy and then play like he's never played the position before? He later decided that it was a great idea to show off his spin-o-rama in front of his own net and turned the puck over, while blowing a tire. What the fuck, Dunc...what...the...fuck? Nick Boynton has to be wondering what he did wrong to deserve this punishment. Maybe Duncs needs a night off, because something is clearly wrong. VERY wrong. Yes, he made a nice pass for the game winner, but do we have really have to suffer through two or three complete asshole plays to get one nice one? If that's the case, he's going to be minus 30 on the season and the Hawks fan suicide rate is going to go up drastically.

Lines One (Stalberg-Toews-Sharp) and Four (Bickell-Dowell-Skille) seem to be nicely set up, but what the hell is this shit on the second (Kane-Bolland-Hossa) and third (Brouwer-Pisani-Kopecky)lines? Boss 81 and Kane still seem to make opportunities, even when they are playing awful, but Dave Bolland is DRAGGING that line down the shitpipe. I don't get how Q puts two puck controlling wings on the same line. Do they have to duel to the death for possession of the puck? Doesn't make sense at all. And for the third line all I can say is, "YIKES!". Brouwer has done absolutely NOTHING, Pisani has a decent two game stretch, and Kopecky looks LOST because he's out there with ZERO talent. Who is the possession guy on that line? And by possession I don't mean "the guy who turns possession over to the opposing team".

Here are the video highlights:

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