Saturday, November 20, 2010

Flaming Ass Syndrome

Well, I told you it was a little early for the circle jerk. The Hawks walked into Calgary and got their sorry asses handed to them. The were outshot, outplayed, outhit and pretty much outclassed. For what it was worth, the game was over after 2 periods, where the Hawks had already given up 4 goals and 30 shots. Dogshit soup was on the menu once again. So much for winning the circus trip.

The Good
The Hawks first goal was just a rush up the ice by Skille, who just fired it at the net. I love seeing those high motor guys getting goals. Great goal, Just too bad it ended up being pointless.

The Brouwer goal was nice, but meant absolutely nothing, and I'm quite sure the Flames didn't care.

The Bad
Screw the bad. I'm going right to shit ugly, because it was. There was really no fire or heart in the second half of the game. Leave it up to the Hawks to allow a team that's playing like ass to dominate them.

The Ugly
This game was ugly from top to bottom. Start with the Captain right back down to the goalie. I'm not even sure it's worth the time to expand on just how sad this game was.

The first goal by Calgary was sad. Troy Brouwer failed to get the puck out of the zone and Hagman made him pay. Way to go, Brows. Keep showing that fire. Stay on the forth line. David Moss's PPG goal was a simple scenario where he outworked two over-matched defensmen. Queneville had Cullimore and Hjalmarsson out there, and that's not a good combo at all. First Iginla goal was a sloppy fucking mess against Hammer and Seabrook. The forth goal was sloppy penalty killing...blah blah blah.

Starting with goal number 5, it was just fucking pathetic, and really doesn't matter. They allowed Iginla to get a hat trick, when he was at a point in his season that he couldn't physically pick the puck up and put it in the net. Stellar, fellas. You looked like a bad men's league team. Enjoy your trip to Vancouver.

Here are the video highlights:

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