Sunday, November 14, 2010

Screw the Chopa, the Sky is Falling

Linesman Pierre Racicot took the night off to referee a midget wrestling match

It just continues to get more and more frustrating for the Hawks, and I've run out of patience. The core of the team continues to sleep through the games, and the people like Skille and Stalberg continue to surprise. Unfortunately, that's not enough, and the Hawks gave up another lead. You have to have your money guys on the score sheet. I do like the new line configuration, because they don't include John Scott. Only four shots in the third period, guys? Obviously, that's not going to do it.

The Good
Jon Toews looked like he cared for one of the few times this season, at least in the first half of the game. He really disappeared when they needed him. Would have been real nice to actually score one in the shootout, wouldn't it Captain Serious? Stellar!

Jack Skillington FINALLY finished a play. Lets home he has as much luck with the ladies. He was seriously overdue. His first goal was on a nice little feed from Campbell. His second goal was even better than the first. Jake Dowell set him up beautifully and he made no mistake. I could not be happier to see him finally get the forth line monkey off his back. I hope this is going to be the start of some more of Skillington in the coal column.

Pick-to-Click Vik had a rocket of a wrist shot for a goal. You couldn't place that any better. Just a reminder, that Kris Versteeg has a grand tot al of 2 goals, 5 assists and Vik had 5 goals and 4 assists. This trade has been a pleasant win, thus far.

Bryan Bickell had a highlight reel hit on Patrick Hornqvist. I love to see Bickell use his size to absolutely railroad someone with their head down. He was where he belonged, last night; the forth line. I really like this combination of Skillington, Dowell, and Bickell, even though Skille belongs higher on the depth chart, but for the moment, it'll do.

The Bad
Dave Bolland returned from injury? Could have fooled me. Apparently, they didn't remove his head from his ass, like originally thought.

Turco didn't have to wait long for his first huge save. 15 seconds in and he had to make a post to post stop. The rest of the night pretty much went the same way, as the Preds crashed the net hard all night. I think the D needs to come up with a new philosophy, that includes not letting people bowl your goalie over. Just a thought.

The Shane O'Brien goal was setup very nicely by Marcel Goc, but Pat Kane really just decided that he is far too important to play defense. For all you young hockey players out there, that is not how you cover your guy. That'll be one of the easiest goals O'Brien will ever score, and he can thank Kaner for that. I'd prefer that Q kicks him in the ass. Maybe Kaner needs some time on the bench too.

The Nashville PPG by Shea Weber wasn't exactly a thing of beauty. Turco got a piece of it, but it squirted through, and into the net. That's one he has to have back, and as usual, that cost them.

The Ugly
Eddie and Pat continue to point out that if a team doesn't score on a 5-on-3, they generally don't win, and the Hawks continue to support that. The NEEDED to put the game away with that 5-on-3, and they couldn't finish. Same story, different day.

The Refs really neutered the Hawks by giving Kaner that tripping penalty in the OT, because there is zero chance you're going to get some quality chances down the ice when you're killing a 4-on-3. I will give the boys credit, though, and Turco played like a man possessed. It was all for naught, because of the stupid shootout. Fucking shootouts!

Toews missed the net
O'Reilly beat Turco (contrary to Pat's call, it was not 5-hole)
Kaner was stopped by Rinne
Sullivan was stopped by Turco
Shooter looked like Kovalchuck and couldn't even get shot off.

(Vomit)Preds win, kill me now!

Here are the video highlights:

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