Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hot-Lanta Shootout at the OK Coral

Well that wasn't very pretty, was it? The job was accomplished but talk about a barn burner. It wasn't exactly the Dead Wings they played last night, and yet they let Atlanta stay in the game. At times Atlanta looked like they might even run away with it. As they would say in the UK, Complete Rubbish!

The Good
Patrick Kane decided to wear his big girl panties last night with a powerplay goal over the glove of Pavelec, following a scrum in front of the net. HurriKaner looked like the player of late last year, and even showed he has a little Marian Hossa in him. When he had the puck on his stick, he didn't give it up until he was tired of it, with the exception of a slight lull in beginning of the second period, otherwise he was dominant.

Jonny B Goode also finally found his man shoes and played one of his best games of the year. Toews powerplay goal off a Seabrook shot that went wide and ricocheted hard off the back boards began the scoring. Toews later beat Flufflien and another Atlanta D-Man for a very basic but effective breakaway goal in his typical blue collar fashion following the Quenneville timeout. That goal was absolutely crucial after giving up the two go ahead to goals to Atlanta. That's what a captain does. Toews also set up an ugly goal by taking the puck from Pavalec from behind the net and feeling Kaner for the game tying goal.

Jeremy Morin did nothing to make me think that he belongs anywhere but playing with the Hawks, although he went off the ice with an injury early in the third, and could see some time on the IR. He made an effort to come back out and try his leg, but was obviously laboring. Unfortunate for the talented rookie, and for the fans hoping to see him tonight at the UC.

The Bad
Atlanta's first goal on the powerplay was just far too easy. Bad angle, and bad goal all around. Turco needs to make that save.

The defense all around has looked tentative and fragile, like they are too paranoid about making a mistake. That's a What happened to that arrogance and bravado from last year? I watched Keith, and Seabrook just stand there and let Jim Slater slash Turco, without much retliation. Hit him with your fucking purses! Don't let ANYONE hit your goalie, especially when he's in a vulnerable position. As Eddie pointed out the Thrashers were also crashing the net without much opposition at all.

There were FAR too many early Hawk penalties early in the game, and they clearly cost them. Once again they allowed far too many shots against. We didn't bring Turco here to face 40 shots a game against teams like Atlanta, so lets untuck our wieners and show a little toughness. Just a little food for thought, if any of you have the asinine thought that the Hawks miss Antti Niemi. He is facing 25 shots a game in San Jose and giving up 4 goals a game and gives up a goal every 7.81 shots. Marty the Midget is facing 30 shots a game here and gives up a goal every 11.22 shots. Enough said, and if there any Niemi supporters left, they can ceremoniously lick my taint.

Tomas Kopecky didn't exactly have the most well rounded game. He led a 4 on 2 early in the third and failed to even notice his teammates flying up the ice, and a few shifts later he had the puck with Duncan Keith WIDE OPEN for a heavy one timer, but never even acknowledged him or even looked up. Tunnel vision at it's best.

The Ugly
John FrankenScott is still a huge piece of human dung, and doesn't belong on the forth line. I'm going to reiterate this each and every time he takes someone else's ice time, because he flat out doesn't deserve it. They weren't in danger of a Ben Eager mugging, so they didn't need to waste

The start of the second period, was a compete atrocity with the Hawks giving up 2 goals in 55 seconds, and they looked like, well, the Atlanta Thrashers. Also, The Hawks penalty kill was simply fucking pitiful. Three powerplay goals against is just unacceptable and embarrassing. The weren't facing the Canucks, here, but the Atlanta powerplay IS freakishly good, by league standards, as they are 5th overall.

If I'm Jack Skillington, I'm wondering who's dog I kicked, because he is slowly wasting away on the forth line with absolute turds like Pisani and Scott. Call it chemistry, call it anything you want, but this is stupid. He's a hard nosed player but playing only 11 minutes of even strength time. the only players that played less were John FrankenScott and Jordan Hendry.

Andropov stopped by Turco
Toews was money on Pavelec
Ladder made no mistake on Turco
Shooter was beaten by Pavelec's glove
Peverly was stopped by Turco
HurriKaner missed the net with a backhand on Pavelec
Atlanta's Kane was stopped by Turco
Brouwer had the door shut by Pavelec
Byfuglien was poked by Turco
Pick-to-Click Vik wins it with a beautiful backhand top cheese

Here are the video highlights:

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