Thursday, March 1, 2012

sheldon brookbank 2012

sheldon brookbank 2012

Blackhawks vs. Maple Leafs - Win Recap

"Hero Of The Leap Day"

So, that trade deadline certainly was exciting wasn't it? I didn't think so, either. The Leafs came into the UC Wednesday night to face the Blackhawks in a rare matchup between these two clubs. Back in the day, Toronto was in the same division and there were many storied rivalry games, but since they were moved to the other conference the Hawks haven't seen much of them. This Leafs team was a pesky one that is as streaky as any team in the NHL. Some days they are world beaters and others, dick beaters. With a coach on the hot seat, and players that seem to be on the window ledge of "Don't Give a Fuck Tower", you never know what will light a flame under their ass. If I were a member of that team, and Brian Burke was the GM, I'd be afraid. He comes off like the Mike Ditka of NHL GM's. That being said, I'd love to have him at the helm of the Hawks. Anyhow, before even taking the ice, the Hawks were still majorly shorthanded, without El Capitan, Hammer, and Montador. Hossa and Keith didn't skate in the morning run through, so it was anyone's guess what was going on there, but it was announced that they would be on the ice for the game. In happier notes, Rookie Brandon Bollig was making his Hawks debut, as "The Enforcer". Anything is better than Big Slow, so I'm exited to see what he does in his predictable 8 minutes of ice time. By all accounts, EVERYONE loves this guy. I'm hoping for a smarter Ben Eager. That's not too much to ask for, is it? Especially since Eager has the IQ of a bucket of dirt. On to the game!

There wasn't a lick of defense played in the first period of the game last night. To be fair, There wasn't much goaltending, either, with the Leafs getting 3 goals on 10 shots, and the Hawks getting 2 goals on 11 shots. Brutally sloppy hockey for both teams. The second period looked much better for the Hawks. They scored 2 goals, to take the lead, on 11 shots, while holding the Leafs to no goals on 7 shots. Not pretty, but certainly better hockey. The third period was pretty tight, even though the Hawks scored an empty netter, and the Leafs scored one with only a couple of ticks left on the clock. The Hawks walked away with a 5-4 win to hat their latest losing streak, but it's not like they beat the Wings, here. Take it for what it's worth, a game the should have won.

The Good

  • Andrew Shaw tied the game up for the Hawks on a pretty simple play, and an honestly weak goal. He dug the puck out of the corner, spun off his guy, and curled through the left circle. As he squared up to the net, he just ripped a shot past Gustavsson's stick side. At least the Hawks aren't the only team to be giving up weak goals. 1-1 Tie.
  • Dream Warrior brought the Hawks back within one goal, with under 30 seconds to go in the first period. Nick Leddy picked up the remains of yet another Duncan Keith blocked shot and figured that he'd try and power one through the traffic himself. This one got to Kruger, who redirected it back to Gustavsson's left, and into the net. 3-2 Leafs.
  • Kaner scored his second goal in two games, off a bad Leafs rebound and turnover. Lepisto took a long wide open point shot that Gustavsson saved. The rebound popped out to his left and Joey Crabb nonchalantly went after it. Kane snuck up behind Crabb and lifted his stick, and sending the puck towards the net. Brunette got a stick on the puck and held onto it long enough for Kane to get there and chip it up and over Gustavsson. Tie game 3-3.
  • Hossa put the Hawks up for the first time of the night, about midway through the second period. He took a feed from a curling Kane and drove hard to the slot, and beat Gustavsson to the stick side, after powering through the Grabovski backpack he was wearing. At this point Gustavsson's glove side is a GLARING weakness. 4-3 Hawks.
  • Hoss had what has to be one of the most determined empty net goals you'll ever see, from a very tight angle, to ice a 5-3 Blackhawks win. He ended up with 2 goal, and a plus 3 on the night. LIKE A BOSS! 5-3 Hawks.
  • Sami Lepisto saved held the lead for the Hawks, late in the third period. How's that decision to sit him for 10s of games at a time, Joel? Was that REALLY necessary? He may not be Duncan Keith, but the guy is playing his ass off. Nice to see him get the nod over O'Donnell for a change.
  • Razor was a beast, after coming in cold. He held the Hawks together long enough to come back. He deserves the #1 spot. No more dicking around.

The Bad

  • Fifty nine seconds into the game, the Blackhawks were already fishing the puck out of their own net. Bolland got caught trying to beat the puck through a pair of shit guards, and turned it over. Bozak pulled it from behind the net and backhanded it on Crawford, of course, it ended up in the net. Oduya had to be looking at Seabrook wondering what possessed him to leave Bozak wide open and vacate what was the only place the Leafs could go. Fucking Brain Fart! Couple days rest did you boys some good, eh?
  • The starting defensive pairs made no sense. Keith/Leddy, Seabrook/Oduya. Lepisto/Olsen. I can't understand, why Quenneville puts these stupid pairings out there knowing full well they will need to be adjusted. If he doesn't know this, he's not as talented a hockey mind as everyone makes him out to be.
  • Just twenty eight seconds after the Hawks first goal, the Leafs scored on the powerplay. Lupul tipped a shot past Crawford, who was hung out to dry with two Leafs forwards in his grill, and no defenders. Oduya was on the ice for both early goals, for what that's worth. Apparently, he subscribes to the "not tying up opponent's sticks" school of thought, too. Lovely.
  • Clarke MacArthur put the Leafs up 3-1 when he picked up a puck that was blocked by Seabrook and hit a virtually wide open net. Crawford was down way too early, and couldn't recover when the puck ended up going to his right. When I say down early, I mean down WAY early. The end of the period marked the end of Crawford's night.
  • The Leafs Mike Brown ended Emery's scoreless streak, with 3 seconds to go in the game, as he tipped a pass from the corner up and over Razor's shoulder. Whatever, Emery was a beast nonetheless.
  • Brandon Bollig got into his first Hawks fight, taking on Luke Schenn. The two of them pretty much hugged it out, but you had to know he would have fought ANYONE to make himself visible to the coaches. I was off on his TOI, though. I predicted 8 minutes of time for Bollig, and he got 5:34. In my defense, if he didn't get in that fight, he might have had another 45 seconds. He only saw the ice once after the fight. Mr. Bollig, welcome to Chateau Bow Wow, I'm your MaĆ®tre d', Dr. Lineblender. While I like his spirit and hunger to contribute, that was an awful time to fight. He's going to have to pick his spots better. That was the very thing that plagued John Scott. The Hawks had just taken a 4-3 lead, and had the momentum.
  • Seventeen shots against in the third period of a one goal game is bad news! You're not going to win many games getting peppered like that in your own end.

The Ugly

  • I finally figured out why Dylan Olsen looks so FUCKING slow. He can't skate backwards from a stopped position, or when he has to transition from forward to backwards. If he's standing still and a forward breaks in on him fast, he is dead to rights. Just a huge pylon.
  • The Blackhawks led one of the worst 4-on-2 rushes I've ever seen; in any league. It was just painful to watch them aimlessly throw the puck around the neutral zone like a live grenade.
  • Stalberg took a nasty hit from behind from Franson late in the second period, that got no call, but Stalberg ended up in the locker room with what looked like a shoulder problem. That was a bad missed call, and thankfully Stalberg was back for the third period.
  • Crawford was pulled in favor of Razor, after the first intermission, as he should have been. Honestly, the look on his face, as the period started, was one of sheer confusion. He is a beaten man and can't understand what is wrong. I've been there, and it's so fucking frustrating. Just another example of why the idea of trading Emery was asinine, unless they had given up on the season.

Here are your video highlights:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blackhawks: Movin On Up

Today, the Blackhawks did exactly what any halfwit would have expected. They made two small splashes. One move was made to add to the team, and another to clear up a roster spot for the first. First of all, the Hawks traded two draft picks to former Assistant GM Kevin Cheveldayoff and the Winnipeg Jets, for 30 year old Johnny Oduya. The second move was Bowman trading John Scott to the New York Rangers for a 5th round draft pick.

Do these moves fix all the problems that the Blackhawks have? Absolutely not, but the Oduya move addresses the Hawks biggest hole, which was on defense. Based on what was available, they probably got the best option on the market, to fit their needs. Not an ideal choice, but with the recent re-signings, there was a seriously depleted talent pool. In acquiring Oduya, they were carrying too many defensemen on their roster, and felt that keeping Dylan Olsen in the NHL and Sami Lepisto on the roster were in their best interest. That lead to the John Scott deal.

Johnny Oduya is a 30 year old, 6’0” 200lb, lefthanded defenseman from Sweden that will wear #27 for the Blackhawks, and probably debut Wednesday night against the Leafs. He was originally brought up in the strong New Jersey Devils system, and traded to Atlanta/Winnipeg, was part of the infamous Ilya Kovalchuk deal, in February of 2010. He has two 25+ point season for the Devils, so behind the right team, he can contribute offensively. The Blackhawks acquired him for 2nd and 3rd round picks in 2013.

He is regarded as a great skater, which is not to be confused with FAST SKATER. He’s strong on his skates, and has good balance. This means you won’t see him tripping over his own feet or getting turned around like a top. He is younger and probably a better skater than both Montador and O'Donnell. He will probably be the injury replacement for Montador, to begin with. If Montador makes it back this season, he'll somehow push O'Donnell and Lepisto back down to the #8 and #9 guys, or possibly push Olsen back to Rockford. This is a good move, but not a great move, and purely a rental, because Oduya is an UFA at the season's end. No one knows just how this one will turn out until the draft of 2013. Right now, it's low risk, and possible high reward.

The John Scott experiment has ended in Chicago. He was sent to the New York Rangers for a 5th round draft pick in this year's draft. For as many people that wanted him off the ice, they didn't necessarily want him gone. He was a good locker room guy, and his teammates loved him. The problem is that he is a terrible hockey player, but a talented face tenderizer. Maybe one of the worst hockey playing enforcers in recent memory. When he fought, he did is exceptionally, but there was no way around putting him on the ice to actually play hockey. People would argue that just the his mere presence would scare the bejesus out of the other team, and I would vehemently disagree. He was a clown; a sideshow act. He fought at the wrong times, took stupid penalties, and forced other players to incur extra ice time, because he was barely worthy of stepping on the ice. That's the cold hard truth.

BUT, alas, he is gone to the city that welcomed King Kong, and the Sultan of Swat. Surely, they will welcome the Big Slow. Maybe they are hoping he will be able to fill the big shoes left by the unfortunate death of Derek Boogaard. He may just fit right into that spot, because he is quite similar in stature and personality. Good luck in New York, John. Honestly and Sincerely.

Blackhawks Trade Deadline Ticker

Feel free to bookmark this page, I will outline any moves the Blackhawks make today.

New Blackhawks Players

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190
Shoots: Left
Born: 1 Oct 1981 (Age 30)
Birthplace: Stockholm, Sweden

Details - Winnipeg acquires 2nd and 3rd rounds picks.
Assets - Is a great skater with the instincts to limit the damage to a minimum in the defensive zone. Owns an infectious attitude and is a solid teammate. Can occasionally play a shutdown role.
Flaws - Isn't a major offensive threat, nor is he big by National Hockey League standards. Also lacks the temperament to play with physical aggression on a consistent basis. Lacks consistency.
Career Potential - Mobile defensive defenseman.

Games 63 Goals 2 Assists 11 Points 13 PIM33


Blackhawks at Anaheim - Loss Recap

"San Andreas Fault"

Hotel California was not been good to the Blackhawks, thus far. After a shutout loss the night before to the Kings, the Hawks limped the short trip to the Pond, aka The Honda Center, to take on the suddenly hot Ducks. This would be yet another game without Jonathan Toews, Steve Montador, and Nik Hjalmarsson. Ray Emery was in net, and this could be the last time we see a couple of these players in Hawks uniforms. If Stan grows a set of balls, that is.

The first period of the game, Sunday night, was pretty much all Blackhawks even though they were out shot 11-10. A very late unfortunate goal on a brain fart by the Hawks, tied up the game at 1-1. The second period was very much a Ducks period. They scored one goal on 13 shots, and the Hawks only had 5 shots the entire period. The third period was, again, all Ducks. The Ducks out shot the Hawks 13-4 and shut the Hawks down defensively. A 5-on-3 powerplay goal was all the Ducks needed to close the Hawks down.

The Good

  • That Hawks scored the first goal of the game, about half way through the first period ON THE POWERPLAY! You read that right. I don't have the words to describe this actual goal, because I haven't seen such a site in in more than a dozen games. Anyhow, it was Kaner that snapped a long shot past Hiller on a screen by Mayers. 1-0 Hawks.

The Bad

  • Of course, the Hawks had three chances to get the puck out of their own zone and failed miserably. Eventually, the puck ended up on net, and the rebound was poked in by Cogliano with 19 seconds to go in the first period. After a LONG look see from the folks in Toronto, it was decided that the kicking motion from Cogliano didn't lead directly to the goal, and that he got a stick on the puck. I agree with their call.
  • Nick Leddy went and got his ass rocked by Ryan Getzlaf, in the second period. He might have needed use of the quiet room after that one.
  • Leddy wasn't the only one to get rocked, with Marcus Kruger getting rocked twice. Always good for recently concussed players.
  • Sheldon Brookbank put the Ducks up 2-1 with just over 7 minutes left in the second period. Hayes screened Emery on the long shot that hit Deuce in the leg and ended up in the net.
  • Selanne put the Ducks up 3-1 on a 5-on-3 powerplay, 5 minutes into the third period. At that point the Hawks were out shot 6-0. The Hawks had no life.
  • Father Time absolutely murdered the Hawks with a goal, an assist, and 8 shots on net. Some of the Hawks were half his age, and couldn't keep up.

The Ugly

  • Towards the end of the second period, Razor took exception to Hagman pitchforking him and threw a few shots at him. I can't say I blame him, becasue I would have done the same thing. Glad to see someone actually had some fight in them, because the rest of the team resembled steaming dog shit.
  • When you're out shot 38-19, you're not going to win many games.

Here are your video highlights:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Blackhawks at Los Angeles KingsSHUTOUT Loss Recap

"King Nothing"

The Blackhawks winning streak wasn't going to last forever, but none of us thought that the streak would end at home, against Dallas. If the Hawks can put together four game winning streaks, we should all be happy fans. Saturday night, the Hawks traveled to LA to visit the Kings and their newest acquisition Jeff Carter. The Blackhawks, themselves, have been rumored to be making a deal, or deals before Monday's deadline. No one, but Stan Bowman, knows what will happen, but thank god the fans have games to keep their minds somewhat at ease. If they didn't, I would have to go on a machine gun killing spree. So, back to the Hawks and Kings before this turns into a tirade.

The first period of the game didn't go as planned, at all. The Hawks gave up two powerplay goals on two awful penalties, and they weren't able to generate much pressure on their own powerplays whatsoever. The second period was a complete and utter shit show. The Hawks gave up two more goals on 15 shots, including a shorthanded goal, to whimper into the third period down 4-0. So much for the hopes of a new winning streak starting in Los Angeles. The third period was a mere formality as the Hawks were a beaten team with no energy. When the final horn sounded, the Kings had sent the Hawks to Anaheim 4-0 losers.

The Good

  • MegaMayers was the only Hawks highlight in the first two periods taking on Matt Greene in a little kerfuffle. That's it, a fight.
  • Pat Foley had the quote of the night when the third period began, "Not a lot has been awesome here tonight". Ain't THAT the truth?
  • The Kings took their foot off the gas, but Razor Emery had a nice night, making 20 saves. Look for him in net, in Anaheim.
  • The Kings only out hit the Hawks 30-29, so that tells you how much that stat really matters.

The Bad

  • Ten minutes into the first period, Big Slow took a stupid roughing penalty, and the Kings scored on the resulting powerplay. Frolik got caught forechecking extremely deep in the Kings end, and once Stoll beat Frolik, he was off to the races. When Stoll hit the Hawks blue line, he dished it off to a waiting Dustin Brown. Brown followed the pick set by Stoll and the Red Sea parted. He was able size up Crawford, and pick his spot, easily. 1-0 Kings
  • For the second time in the first period, Nick Leddy was beaten by a Kings forward, but the Hawks caught a breaks when Kopitar was called for goaltender interference, even tough he never touched Crawford. STUPID RULE! Not like the Hawks could possibly score on the powerplay, anyway.
  • Brown scored his second powerplay goal of the night on a bad Stalberg checking from behind penalty. Hossa lost the ensuing faceoff in the Hawks zone, and Martinez sent a clean shot on net. The rebound came off Crawford's pads, and Brown was left to whack the fuck out of the puck, by Lurch and Seabrook. Could SOMEONE on this penalty kill tie up an opponent's stick? Once? Please? 2-0 Kings.
  • To make matters worse, the "shorthanded break-a-way of the game" went to Dustin Brown, and he ended up with his hat trick, only five minutes into the second period. Leddy and Keith couldn't get a clean entry into the Kings zone, and Hoss put in a half ass effort to drop off and help out. The effort just wasn't there. 3-0 Kings
  • Nick Leddy started he shit show on the fourth Kings goal. He completely bailed on a Kings dump in and Stoll was able to control it. Stoll pushed it behind the net to Brown, who then fed it out to a wide open Willie Mitchell at the point. Mitchell had about 36 hours to set up and take his shot. Nonetheless, Crawford should have stopped the shot, but he didn't, and that was the end of his night. Four goals on 10 shots. That is terrible. For all those dopes out there calling for the Hawks to trade Emery last week, THIS is why they can't do that. GAME OVER FOLKS!

The Ugly

  • In a minute stretch of the second period, Michael Frolik, and Vik Stalberg both missed break-a-ways. Stalberg's was a 2-on-0 with Sharp following up the play, in which he couldn't even hit the net so Sharp could get the rebound. This game just got more brutal by the second.
  • THIS stupid shit is what really pisses me off about the "genius", Joel Quenneville. Big Slow was on the ice FOUR times in the first two periods. Two of those shifts ended in HIS penalties, the first of which ended up resulting in the first Kings goal. People like Stalberg, Smith, Shaw, Frolik, Bickell, and Lepisto get benched for one bad HOCKEY PLAY, and Big Slow is allowed to run around like a big stupid gorilla, taking uncontainable penalties that are either off the play or after the whistle. Tighten up the leash on that smelly beast, Dr Lineblender!
  • Leddy showed why being forced to play top 4 minutes is above and beyond his current skillset. He was out muscled all night, and he constantly looked confused. He needs to be the #5 guy with a veteran stay at home guy that can cover for his short attention span, like Montador, unfortunately. If they don't pick a defenseman up by the deadline, this team does NOT make it past the second round, if even that far. I said it here, February 25th.

Here are your video highlights:

Friday, February 24, 2012

Blackhawks vs. Stars - Loss Recap

"Finish What You Started"

Thursday night the Dallas Stars traveled from Texas for a tilt in Chicago, on the eve of DLR and Van Halen visiting the United Center, WHICH I WILL BE ATTENDING. There were many story lines that came with this game. The Stars were perceived as sellers at the deadline and the Hawks buying. Names like Mike Ribeiro, Adam Burish, Brenden Morrow, and Sheldon Souray have all been mentioned as available. I haven't been quiet about my desire for Souray, so I won't bore you with that, here. There was actual hockey to me played, so lets get to it.

When I said there was hockey to be played, I suppose I meant BORING hockey; at least boring in the first period. The Hawks out shot the Stars 6-5 in the period, but there weren't really many scoring chances either way. This play should benefit the Hawks, but they had to get something going. I interrupted my pregame nap for this? They got something going, as second period was slightly in the Hawks favor. They opened up the scoring and held the Stars scoreless. The Hawks began the third frame in pretty good shape, but then it all fell apart. Three late deflected Dallas goals put the Hawks down to bed unhappy losers.

The Good

  • Imagine that! Bryan Bickell CAN hit people! My eyes didn't deceive me.
  • Hossa and Frolik (yes, he's still on the team, #67 in your programs) worked to get the Hawks a 1-0 lead, half way through the first period. Frodo dug the puck out of the corner and made a bee-line to the front of the net. Just as Frolik's shot was stopped, and I was thinking to myself "Frolik will never score again", Hossa picked up the free puck and beat Bachman. 1-0 Hawks.
  • The first Stars goal aside, Hossa was still the best forward on the ice for the Hawks. Quite a few chances and, of course, the goal.
  • The Hawks centers were actually good at the dot, especially against anyone NOT named Steve Ott. Ott was 8 for 11 and the rest of the team were 19 for 36.

The Bad

  • Dylan Olsen has looked fairly good, the more he's played, but the Stars Garbutt (yes that's really his name) skated by Olsen like he was standing still, after a bad Kruger offensive zone turnover (nice drop pass to the invisible man, Krugs!). When Olsen doesn't have time to compensate, he is sickeningly slow. For all the happy horn tootin going on about Olsen, no one seems to mention how horribly slow he is.
  • Noted agitator Steve Ott tied up the game half way through the third, when Hossa made a couple of rare defensive mistake. He left his position early, before the puck could get out of the zone and the Stars held it in. Eventually, Hoss got a second chance to get it out and just nudged it right to Daley. Daley took a long shot that worked it's way to the stick of Ott, who redirected it past Crawford. Commence opening of flood gates.
  • Five minutes after the Ott goal, Michael Ryder tipped a long Ribeiro shot past Crawford. Just too much traffic in front of the net with too many opposing sticks on the ice. Guys, that's basic defense. 2-1 Stars.
  • Aaaaaaaand few minutes later, Brent Seabrook kicked an innocent looking Michael Ryder shot AT Crawford, to put the Stars up 3-1, with some assistance by Loui Eriksson. At this point the Hawks and Crawford have to be wondering what in the name of all that is evil, was going on. They could not catch a break. Crawford looked genuinely surprised that he had to save a Seabrook shot on his own net.
  • Not the best of nights for Brent Seabrook. I'm a big Seabrook fan, but he was on the ice for all the goals for...and all the goals against, including the one he kicked on his own net to put the Stars up 3-1.
  • I'm sure that I'm going to see some brainiac babbling about the absence of John Scott; oh wait, he actually PLAYED!
  • The hit stats aren't really a telltale sign, but when you're out hit 41-15, you haven't given your best effort.

The Ugly

  • Fifty minutes does not a game make. Say it with me, Men of Four Feathers.
  • Annnnnnd this time, Adam Burish was the lucky recipient of the season long regular feature, "Shorthanded Break-a-Way Of The Game". You're welcome, Bur, it's a once a game occurrence, so don't think you're special. If I hear another Burish trade scenario, or I'll jam a dull pencil into said idiot's thorax.
  • I'm beyond ever expecting anything productive from the powerplay again...unless they pull off a trade for Sheldon Souray. No pressure, Stan.
  • Third period shots: Dallas 15, Blackhawks 5. At home, nursing a one goal lead. No "rocket surgery" here, gents. Run out of gas much?

Here are your video highlights:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blackhawks vs. Red Wings - Win Recap

"Rookie Hayes-ing"

The hits just keep on coming for the Blackhawks. Facing the teams with the best records in the NHL is NOT a way to break out of a horrid losing streak, yet the Hawks have done just that. Coming into Tuesday night's game, they had won 3 in a row against two studs, and a dud. Not to take anything lightly, the Hawks were at home to play the ALWAYS tough Red Wings. News before the game surfaced that both Jon Toews and Pavel Datsyuk were out of action, so it was time for some secondary Hawks to take advantage, and show they as deep as any team in the NHL.

The first period of Tuesday night's game, started out heavily in the Wing's favor, but the Hawks found their legs and evened up the shots, even out shooting the Wings 10-9. The Wings still led after the first, but the Hawks weren't out of it. The Hawks came out fairly dominant, in the middle period, and tied the game. They were out shot 15-13, but they had much better and more chances. The Hawks opened up the lead early in the third period, and hung onto it for dear life, which lead them win their fourth in a row.

The Good

  • It didn't take Crawford long to make up for the weak goal against bailing Deuce and Olsen, who had forgotten about the strikingly ugly, Jiri Hudler. Crawford was on point after the Filppula goal. For all the fucking harsh criticism he took, I'm going to beat the drum for him while he's kicking ass. Everyone is quick to jump on his ass when he's down.
  • The second Hawks powerplay actually showed signs of life, but no goal. Hopefully that means something is finally clicking, not just an anomaly.
  • Purple Hayes got a huge goal for the Hawks, picking up a Bickell tip on net, to tie up the game about eight minutes in. Hayes worked Kronwall over in front of the Wings net and spun off just in time for Bickell to tip Deuces long point shot right on to Jimmy the Kid's stick. Slam dunk, tie game, the place goes bananas.
  • Dream Warrior put the Hawks up 2-1, just two minutes into the third period, on another great play by Jimmy the Kid. Hayes took the puck behind the net and shielded the puck with his body, trying to wrap it around. While it didn't really make it on net, the puck squirted out to Bruno, who chopped it towards the net. It dropped in behind Opie Howard and Kruger whacked it over the line.
  • I don't see many people out there talking about how big Bryan Bickell has been for the Hawks during this winning streak. Like Crawford, he deserves his due credit. He may still be a big dumb animal, but he's finally added something to the mix. I still don't think he's long for this team, but if it means he's more valuable from now until Monday, so be it!
  • Most of the Hawks centers, including Sharpie, did decent at the dot, but Kruger was clowned by Darren Helm all night, going 1-6 against him. MageMayers, Morrison, and Bolland were all at 50% or above, and Sharp was just a hair under 50%. If it weren't for facing Zetterberg, Sharp would have been over 50%.
  • The Hawks out hit the Wings, 21-17. Maybe they've got something here.

The Bad

  • Valtteri Filppula opened the scoring for the Wings, on an early WEAKpowerplay, just three minutes into the game. This was good for me, because he's on my fantasy team, but I digress. The penalty kill was out there FAR too long, and just ran out of gas. They simply couldn't get the puck out of the zone, and it turned into a hot mess really quick. Add a fairly weak shot to this mix which snuck by Crawford's stick side. From a goalie's prospective, it looked like a change-up, that he committed far too early on. Corey Crawford 2 weeks ago hangs his head, and gives up 3 more in the period. Not the new and improved Crow.
  • Bolland had a break-a-way, and Kane had TWO in the second period, alone. Just too bad none of them could finish. The game could have easily been 4-1, had Opie Howard not sat on a horseshoe as part of his pregame ritual.
  • Big Slow and Pistol strikes fear in ME, but I highly doubt that the Red Wings were shivering in their skates. More like licking their lips.

The Ugly

  • Something I NEVER want to hear again, "John Scott getting some time on the penalty kill". Never, fucking, again! Over HALF of his playing time was in the PK. OVER HALF!
  • Frolik got a break-a-way from the Hawks blue line in, and got in WAY too close. By the time he tried to get a shot off, he was half way up Howard's right nostril. He seriously has ZERO confidence now. Maybe he needs a pep talk from Bickell.

Here are your video highlights:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blackhawks vs. Blues - Win Recap

"Ride The Lightning"

Fresh off an ass whipping in Columbus, the Hawks FINALLY came home for a Sunday afternoon tilt with the St. Louis Blues. These weren't the same "display a bunch of stupid physical play and then roll over" Blues that everyone was used to. This team was on a mission, behind new head coach Slim Hitchcock. The Blues came in 10 points ahead of the Hawks and in second place, in the division. They don't score a lot of goals, but they were tied with the Rangers for fewest goals against in the league. The Hawks had a good test to show if they were truly back on track. If they could pull this one off, this is officially a winning streak.

The Hawks opened up slow and sloppy, getting out shot 15-4, despite having 2 powerplays. When the horn sounded for the first intermission, the Hawks had give up a late goal to go down 1-0. The Hawks played a better second period, out shooting the Blues 9-7, but neither team added to their score. The third period was owned by the Blackhawks, which is rare this year against the Blues. The Hawks out shot the Blues 14-8, and out scored them 3-0. Nothing pretty about this win, but it's a win. A WINNING STREAK!

The Good

  • Deuce tied the game up, five minutes into the third period. The play started with Kane and Shooter breaking into the zone 2-on-3. Kane dished it off to Sharp, and Sharp just waited for help. Before dishing it off, Sharp faked a shot to freeze Elliot. As soon as Deuce hit the blue line, Sharpie dished the puck, and Keith beat Elliot.
  • Douchebag David Backes put the Hawks up 2-1 with just under 7 minutes left in regulation play. Deuce had given up trying to hit the net, so he hit Bolland to the right of Elliot. Bolland was looking to hit Kane with a pass across the crease, but Backes kicked it towards the open net, and tried to stop it with his stick, but was unsuccessful. Couldn't have happened to a better guy.
  • Hossa dotted the "i" in the win, with a 3/4 ice shot into the empty net. Solid win for the Hawks.
  • With all the criticism he has taken lately, Corey Crawford deserves credit for keeping the Hawks in the game. When they weren't generating any pressure, Crawford kept it a one goal game. Welcome back. It's really nice to see him deeper in his net, where he's more comfortable.
  • It shouldn't go without being pointed out that Duncan Keith is PLUS 7 this weekend, with a goal and 2 assists. Nice time to step up, Deuce!
  • Just a sign of how much the Hawks dislike the Blues, they out hit then 30-26, with Dylan Olsen's 6 hits leading the Hawks.
  • The Hawks were 52% at the dot, but El Capitan was only 8-18.

The Bad

  • Early on, in the first period, Dr. Lineblender got the brilliant idea to put Big Slow out on the ice with El Capitan and Kaner. I'm not really sure why he thought that was a good idea, but that matchup led to the first Blues goal. Luckily, someone slapped some sense into Quenneville, and Scott only saw 2-45 second shifts the rest of the game.
  • Jamie Langenbrunner found a loose puck behind a prone Crawford, and kicked it towards the goal line. Before it could cross the line, Andy MacDonald picked up the puck and pushed it over, with under a minute left in the first period. Just to point this out, Olsen, Leddy, and Scott were on the ice for that one. The Blues will take that matchup any time.
  • I'm not entirely sure why, but Lurch only played 8:23. Stan needs to find his guy YESTERDAY, and make the move.

The Ugly

  • Like clockwork, during the second Hawks powerplay, the Hawks broke down and gave up a shorthanded break-a-way to Andy MacDonald. Might not have that problem if you had 2 defensemen on the ice. I can't even begin to imagine how they are going to fix this. They can't even get the puck into the zone, much less get a solid scoring chance.
  • Typical St. Louis Blues low class play, with Ryan Reaves punching Big Slow in the back of the head when he was down on the ice. That guy is a completely useless piece of shit. He was before this game, and he remains that way.

Here are your video highlights:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Blackhawks at Columbus - Win Recap

"Colossal Slump Buster"

With a weekend of matinee games on the agenda, the Hawks rolled into Columbus to face the Blue Jackets and a player they WON'T be acquiring, Rick Nash. Even though Columbus is warming up, they aren't a good team. Last in the NHL, and working with an interm head coach. Injuries and drama have crippled them. Before the other nights game, this was the game all Hawks fans were expecting the team to end their losing streak in. Lets just hope for 2 in a row, with a win in Ohio.

The Hawks came out slow and sloppy in the first period, yielding the lead on a bad turnover. They woke up and scored two of their own, outscoring the Jackets 11-10 in the opening period. The Jackets out shot the Hawks 14-12, in the middle period, but the Hawks out scored the Jackets 2-0 to take a 4-1 lead into the third. The third period was a joke. The Hawks scored two more goals to put the Blue Jackets to bed.

The Good

  • El Capitan threw the team on his back and his balls on the table, going end to end and driving right around Jeff Carter to tie the game up at 1-1. Really no excuse to let a player go right around you like that, Mr. Carter, but we'll take that gift.
  • Pick-to-Click Vik put the Hawks up 2-0 on a nice feed from One-Trick-Bick. Bickell out raced the Jackets defender and quickly found Stalberg wide open in front of the net. Stalberg one timed it on Mason, who was out of position in the first place, and it bounced up and flipped over the goaltender, into the net. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a Columbus fan, and watch this. Makes you appreciate the Hawks much more when you think of it that way, doesn't it?
  • Kaner dished a sweet cross ice pass to a WIDE open Shooter, who took a tight angle one timer from Mason's right side, and beat him for a Blackhawks 3-1 lead. The Kane pass was the highlight of the play, threading the needle between two Columbus players right to Sharpie's tape. I don't know what the media or fans were thinking, suggesting trading Kane, but this is one of many examples why that is an asinine idea.
  • Kane followed up his nice pass to Shooter, by using former Hawk James Wisniewski as a tool. Kane put his shot between his legs and beat Steve Mason for a 4-1 Blackhawks lead, ending Mason's afternoon in net. After he was pulled, CSN caught Steve Mason bitching at coach Todd Richards in a pretty animated manner. And people think we have goaltending problems in Chicago. OOOFA!
  • Bruno and Dream Warrior hooked up with 5 minutes gone in the third, to expand the Hawks lead to 5-1. Bruno saucered a pass across to Kruger who was actually tied up. Kruger was still able to get a stick on the pass and chip it past York.
  • Less than a minute after the Kruger goal, Lepisto scored his first Blackhawks goal, off the back of John Moore. When it rains, it pours. How did that one feel, Columbus? That was a guy that couldn't trip onto the ice, and he's putting the exclamation point on a home ice loss.
  • Nick Leddy was set up by Kaner late in the second period, and skated right past three Jackets players. Leddy made a slick little move on York, but he didn't score. That play was a nice preview of what is to come with this kid. He's still green and wet behind the ears, but he's going to be a good player for this team.
  • Nice to see Purple Hayes come out punching. Even though he didn't really get many shots in, he went toe to toe with MacKenzie. Welcome back, Kiddo.
  • I have to completely honest. I haven't really missed Hammer. Lepisto's early turnover aside, him and Olsen have been alright. Might this show the Hawks that Hammer is expendable?
  • Deuce was a plus 4 and had an assist on the day.

The Bad

  • Sami Lepisto didn't make a good argument for more playing time by hitting the Blue Jackets Derrick Brassard right on the tape, at the Hawks blue line. Brassard took the gift and blew it past Crawford's glove for a 1-0 Jackets lead. There is really no excuse for that turnover. He wasn't pressured and had plenty time. I can't defend you on that one, Pistol.
  • Not that it really means anything, but the Haws were outhit 29-7.
  • Did Rick Nash even suit up? The guy was invisible. THAT'S a guy the Hawks definitely need.

The Ugly

  • Derek Dorsett absolutely made my afternoon when he went after Big Slow, following the Lepisto goal, and Columbus time out. Dorsett looked like a toddler playing with his big Uncle John going straight for Scott after the puck was dropped. Dorsett got one shot in on Scott, and Scott proceeded to beat the SNOT out of him. I was crying because I was laughing so hard. There is NO way Scott could have made a bigger mockery of Dorsett. Beat the piss out of the guy, and then laugh at him and dress him down while he's tossed from the game. Watch it here, enjoy and laugh your ass off:

Here are your video highlights:

Friday, February 17, 2012

Blackhawks at NY Ranger - Win Recap

"So Long And Thanks For The Fish!"

How do you start off a preview of a game against the best team in the Eastern Conference that is towards the end of a 9 game road trip, which also includes a 9 game winless streak? Doom and gloom? We've seen plenty of that. Trade everyone? Lots of that, too. Fire the Coach and GM. Check! The streak has to come to an end some time, right? Why not against the best team they were going to face on this trip? No one will admit it, but I honestly thing John Tortorella threw Quenneville and crew a solid by playing Marty Biron in net. Biron in a good back up, but lets face it, he is no King Henrik. With 10 days left until the trade deadline, Hawks fans have enough to deal with as far as personnel goes. Lets put this to rest and start a more positive streak, Gentlemen.

Well, the Hawks came out of the blocks on absolute FIRE! Four goals on 10 shots, and the Rangers were left to scratch their heads during the first intermission. Of course this kind of pace can't be kept up the whole game against a team like the Rangers, but that is a hell of a head start. The second period was much more even, as the Rangers finally put a goal on the board. The Hawks still out shot the Rangers but only 9-7. The first place Rangers finally showed up in the third period, but it was too little too late. That Hawks held off a 12-3 Rangers shot advantage, and only yielded one late goal. Nice road game for the Hawks, and thank god that god forsaken losing streak is over. So long and thanks for the fish, Torts!

The Good

  • Nice of you to pay attention to the refs, Foley. Yes, it's a penalty shot that the play-by-play guy was the last to notice. Just over a minute into the game, and El Capitan was rucking in on a penalty shot because the Rangers Dan Girardi covered the puck in the crease behind Biron. El Capitan did what he does, in that situation, scoring 5-hole on Biron. 1-0 Hawks.
  • A minute after the penalty shot goal, the Hawks used a delayed penalty to go up 2-0. Nick Leddy used Big Slow for something useful; as a screen, and blasted a shot past Biron. Just 2 minutes into the game and the Hawks are up 2-0.
  • Just two minutes after the Leddy goal, El Capitan found Shooter behind the Rangers defense, and hit him, in stride, for a break-a-way. Shooter wasted no time sizing up Biron, and powered a 5-hole shot through.
  • After killing off the stupid Shaw/Scott penalties, Kaner played a little deja vu and found Boss 81 right up the gut, behind the Rangers defense, hitting HIM for a break-a-way. Hoss followed Shooter's example, just picking a spot and nailing Biron's 5-hole. 4-0 Hawks not even 10 minutes into the game.
  • The Hawks were on the good end of some luck when the puck got lodged under Crawford's left skate ON THE GOAL LINE. The refs used the "intent to blow" rule, which never gets old.
  • I don't want to take anything away from a Hawks penalty kill, that did a great job, but the horrible Rangers powerplay helped their cause.

The Bad

  • Three minutes into the second period, Marc Staal was left to rattle off a few shots from the point by the fourth line wingers, and finally put the second one right through the wickets of Crawford. Scott and Shaw couldn't figure out which guy was which, and Staal was the odd man out. Can we please put that fourth line out of its misery? Morrison, Frolik, ANYONE! Edzo can blame Shaw all he wants, but Big Slow was roaming around he zone aimlessly, like a big gorilla.
  • Ryan McDonagh bulled right through Bolland, Olsen and Shaw setting up Carl Hagelin for the second Rangers goal of the game, late in the third period. Luckily, that was it for the Ranger offense on the night. Holding this team to only two goals at home is acceptable.
  • With all that went well, Toews and Kruger were even or better at the dot, but Mayers and Bolland were mushroom stamped all night, going a combined 35%.
  • Mike Rupp has some mitts of stone, holy christ. That guy could have singlehandedly tied the game up for the Rangers but just shanked and missed every puck near his stick. He was better off carrying a club around.
  • Again, someone tell me what is SO fucking bad about Sami Lepisto? He's a #6 defenseman, and has more skill than Big Slow, which doesn't take much. Why did he sit for 15 straight games again?
The Ugly
  • Well, as with this streak, all good things have to come to an end. The braintrust combination of Andrew Shaw, and John Scott temporarily took the wind out of the Hawks sails with a couple of really stupid fucking penalties in the first period. Shaw took a lazy offensive zone holding penalty, and then Big Slow decided that finishing the play by throwing an elbow into the throat of John Mitchell, about 2 seconds after the whistle, was a swell idea. Those guys acquire some Carcillo-itis or what?? C'mon guys, really? Thank Lord Stanley that Scott only saw the ice for 56 seconds the entire rest of the game, and none at all in the third period. Shaw was out there for both Rangers goals, and only saw 5 minutes of ice time all night. #Shawfacts: Andrew Shaw doesn't hit the wall, the wall hits him like a puck to the forehead.
  • Sweet Jesus, I thought the Hawks powerplay was bad, but the Rangers powerplay was just as bad, if not worse. How does a team get a record like they have with a powerplay THAT bad? Not to be outdone, The Hawks 5-on-3 looked like the Bozo fucking Circus. Actually, the word I'm looking for is repugnant. I can't remember ever seeing two teams with such collectively ineffective powerplays.
  • I have to finally agree with Edzo on something, regarding the Stalberg goalie interference call. There is no way that he can stop without making contact with the goaltender, especially when Del Zotto is pushing him in that direction. That rule HAS to change. One of the dumbest interpretations of a rule I've ever seen.
  • I don't think of the Rangers as a particularly dirty team, but what the hell is up with Brandon Dubinsky? Take a stupid penalty at one end and then take a cheap shot on a defenseless player on the delayed penalty. Dumb Asshole!
Here are your video highlights:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Keep Trollin, Trollin, Trollin

Eleven days until the NHL trade deadline....breathe, just breathe...

One the things I try do accomplish with my insignificant little rag, here, is encourage fans to use common sense, and actually put that lump three feet above their ass to use. For that, I've failed miserably, and I apologize. Past free agent insanity and trade deadline speculation has been around for quite a while, but this year is BY FAR the worst. The rumors don't have to make sense, or even fit within the salary cap. Just grab some names, throw them in a hat, pick a few out, and harass a beat writer. They really make NO sense. Thanks to this wonderful tool, called Twitter, the Hawks beat writers are more accessible than ever to field these dumb theories. Most, if not all of these writers, are better people than I, but then again, who isn't? The majority of them ignore the complete stupidity of the general public, but one of them displays these ignoramuses for all the Twitterverse to see. Tim Sassone (@TimSassone)of the Daily Herald. He retweets a fraction of the painful stupidity he must endure on a daily basis. I have to both thank him, and curse him for this gift.

First of all, I have to thank him for pointing out this on going stupidity, and for also point out that people are just too damn lazy to actually take the time to research their question before asking. People will ask the same question over and over, even if the answer was posted on the Times Square video screen and they were forced, Clockwork Orange style, to stare at it for 36 hours. They are just too lazy. I'd be a little grumpy too, if people asked me questions, I answer them, and they ask me the same question again, and so on. Frustrating. He generally comes off as a grumpy old man to the general noodnik, but I've been in that situation, and my fuse was much shorter than his, let me tell you.

Secondly, I have to curse him, because the few people that WILL research their own questions, see this and think, "What the hell is wrong with Chicago Blackhawks fans?", followed up with a blog like this very one. DAMN YOU FOR MAKING MY MIND RACE, TIM SASSONE!!!! While I don't always agree with everything he says, I do agree with a good portion of it. If I agreed with everything, I'd have to have him arrested for identity theft. Moving on...

After watching a few of these tweets scroll by, I thought I would share them with you, and give a little shot of what Mr. Sassone must be thinking with each. Fun little game, no? Without further ado:

Cam Barker, good old Cam Barker. Well, Cam was so bad in Chicago that we traded him away for the rotting carcass of Kim Johnsson and a promising, yet still unknown, prospect named Nick Leddy. Cam Barker proceeded to stink up the joint in Minny, thus bringing on his eventual release. Lets just say his career isn't ascending.

Who said this, and WHY would the Canadiens dump a 24 year old All-Star goalie that they just fully committed to, just 2 summers ago? He is going to be a restricted free agent in July, and will probably double his salary somewhere, if not Montreal. They have nothing else in their system, and there isn't much out on the market, unless they are going to roll the dice with Josh Harding. Highly unlikely. Price has done nothing to show that he's worth giving up on.

I'm not really sure what you consider "good trade value", but a 27 year old defenseman with a $5.5 million cap hit until 2023, doesn't exactly make me come running for dinner, unless I'm Uncle Dale in Florida. You forgot to factor in that he is the team's #1 defender, and ice time leader. Diminished production or not, how do you expect to fill that hole?

I said this over a week ago, cheap and powerplay help, but everyone ignores me.

No, actually, they promote letting opponents take as many shots as possible on their own net. If that doesn't happen, they turn around and shoot on their own net. It's a proven system. Really. Obviously, The forwards aren't doing their jobs defensively. Doesn't this question answer itself?

Have you been living under a rock for 2 months? What part of "season ending knee surgery" wasn't beaten through your skull? You obviously know enough to know he's injured. Were you suddenly locked up abroad? Did you fall into a coma?

A regular healthy scratch for a team that's just struggling to stay afloat in the playoff race. That sounds like someone we NEED to have! How about Babchuk for Keith? Good trade value, no?

Other than the painful cap hit, and poor skills, sounds like a good idea. The only problem is that if you're looking for Huet in France you'll be looking a long time. He's playing in Switzerland.

If Nashville would make that trade, to a division rival that they have to face 6 times a year, they are the most stupid team in NHL history.

Tim Sassone, beat writer by day, Columbus tour guide by night.

I applaud this answer but nonetheless...