Saturday, October 1, 2011

Blackhawks vs Penguins - Preseason Recap

Last day of September in Chicago, and one of the last exhibition games of the 11-12 NHL season for the Blackhawks. To add to the drama, the Pittsburgh Penguins were in town, and Razor Emerywas fighting for a contract with the Hawks. This was enough to fill the house that Tazer built. Just who would be the hero or goat this game?

In what has become a reoccurring theme for the Hawks, they came out fast and furious, but couldn't put anything in the net. Of course, the first decent chance the Pens had ended up in the net. Not what the team or management were looking for in the opening frame, and now they were behind the 8-ball. If they were behind the 8-ball going into the second, they were behind three 8-balls going into the third. The Hawks play in the second period could best be explained at "luckluster". The Pens scored 2 pretty ugly goals to put the Hawks down 3-0. The only saving grace was the late goal the Hawks scored on the powerplay. It took the Hawks 40 minutes to finally show up and look like an NHL team. It's too bad that they put themselves in such a brutal hole that it was too much to come back from, and an empty net goal finished off the Hawks.
The Good

  • The chemistry of the Hossa-Kane-Brunette line is undeniable. They seem to dominate possession of the puck every time they are out there. This will prove to be interesting if Quenneville decides to end this "Kane at Center" experiment.
  • We finally saw some powerplay brilliance on the Hawks second one. Tazer-Kaner-Brunette-Keith-Seabrook put an absolute clinic on, that only ended when Brunner heeled an easy tap in, that very well should have been a goal on principle alone.
  • From here on out, Sean O'Donnell's nickname will be... Frankenstein. All he needs are the bolts in his neck.
  • It took 3 goals against, and 3 failed powerplays for the Hawks to finally get on the board. Rusty Olesz took the puck around the net, on a delayed penalty, and tried to wrap it around. His chance failed but the rebound popped right in front to Brandon Pirri shoveled it into the gaping net. Nice to see the kids make something happen.
  • Pirri got his second goal of the game and forth of the preseason, as Bickell drew two defenders high in the slot area and dumped it off to Pirri, who was as wide open as a player can get. Tell me again how this kid has played himself into anything but an opening day roster spot, and I'll laugh in your face.
  • Overshadowed by Pirri's great game was General Saad's hustling and getting an assist on Pirri's forst goal. He also drew a penalty in the third period with his hustle. Saad combined with Hossa and Pirri on that powerplay to totally dominate the Pens. It was almost unfair how those three worked together.
  • Hossa looks to have taken the youngest Hawks under his wings. That's priceless. The line of Hoss, General Saad, and Pirri dominated a late powerplay. Like many other Blackhawks powerplays they couldn't finish, but the puck control and pressure were there.

The Bad

  • The Hawks continued to have problems killing penalties, with the Pens scoring 5 seconds into their first powerplay for a delay of game infraction. Former Hawk, and current Hawk killer Steve Sullivan took the faceoff win and powered it past Emery. You can't really put the blame onto anyone but Razor on that one. The Hawks would sure love to be able to get that kind of productivity.
  • Pens goal number 3 was another lazy play on a shift that was FAR too long. The puck was simply dumped into the middle of the Hawks ice and kicked off Montador's skate. Joe Vitale was coming from behind the net and O'Donnell just watched him backhand it past Razor. The Hawks just looked slow, and disinterested.
  • Leddy showed a little youngster inexperience getting beat in the third period, which led to a Pens 2-on-1. Luckily, the shot, by Pugface Kennedy, went solidly off the post.
  • Argue with me all you'd like, but Brandon Pirri has been TWICE the player that Marcus Kruger has. It's a fact. If either of them deserves to be in Rockford, it's Kruger. There is NO mistaking that.
  • Frolik has been all ove the ice this preseason and has been completely snake bitten. He can't seem to find a way to finish his chances. Lets hope he works out those demons in enough time for the real games.
  • Three goals is not a lot, but based on the fact that he only faced 18 shots, Razor Emery probably played himself OUT of the backup spot. That's just not good enough to win a competition. All he really had to do was play DECENT and he didn't. It's not like the team really played all that way in front of him either, but that will get lost in the abyss.
  • Rusty Olesz was the Hawk with the least amount of playing time with 9:21. I'm not really sure if he deserved any less than the other players, but that's the way it played out.
  • Tazer, Kaner, and Megamind were all over 50% in the faceoff circle. Kruger, and Pirri were under, with Kruger going a dismal 29%. That's not going to keep you off the Rockford express kid.

The Ugly

  • I said it last year year, and I still stand by it. Tyler Kennedy is one UGLY, pug looking, sucker
  • Holy Dog Dung! The Pen's second goal was an abortion. Pittsburgh cleared the puck about 3/4 down the rink and Seabrook was CLEARLY calling for Razor to come play the puck. Emery did just that, right the the Pens Matt Cooke who had time to fire it 100 feet into the net, shorthanded no less. If you're going call for your goalie to come play the puck 65 feet from his net, you better damn well cover for him OR give him somewhere safe to pass to. The Hawks did neither. 2-0 Pens. Emery will be crucified for the end result, but that goal was a team effort.
  • The line of Montador and O'Donnell looked pretty awful. We need to avoid that combination at all costs, and we're all hoping that Quenneville saw this too.

Here are the video highlights for your viewing pleasure:

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