Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blackhawks vs Avalanche - Loss Recap

"Try To Save Myself but Myself Keeps Slipping Away"

Last night was the ass end of the home-and-home series with the pesky Colorado Avalanche. The Hawks squeaked one out in Colorado the other night, and they were bringing the Headdress Circus back home. Add to the drama the unveiling of the Mikita and Hull sculptures, and you have an exciting saturday night in Chicago.

As far as the game goes, The Hawks had a majority of the action in the first period, yet went into the intermission down 1-0. You had to imagine the game would open up with the speed of these two teams. The Avs took a 3-2 lead into the second intermission on a lucky bounce and some determination, even though the Hawks scored on a late powerplay. The third period had some excitement but at the end of regulation the teams were tied 4-4. In OT, he Hawks had a failed powerplay and SUPPOSEDLY outshout the Avs, but it certainly didn't look that way. This game would end on a single shootout goal, and the Avs would return the favor of the home loss to the Hawks.

The Good

  • The Hawks had a powerplay and a few really good rushes in the first, but just couldn't solve Avs netminder, Varlamov. Sharp seemed to be leading every rush, so it looks as though he's in regular season shape.
  • The Frolik snakebitten streak finally ended one minute into the second period, after Quenneville was shown shaking the evil ju-ju off his stick in the first. Erik Johnson threw the puck through the middle of his own zone, trying to be cute, and Frolik was right there to snatch it and beat Varlamov. Total gift.
  • Tazer had a great chance late in the second, as he went right up the gut, and made 3 Avs defenders look like mites, but couldn't finish the play.
  • Cappy Serious took advantage of a late second period powerplay rebound and brought the Hawks back within one goal. Toews was CLEARLY pissed off after missing his partial breakaway a few moments earlier.
  • A MegaMayers slapshot that was kicked out and then deflected off both of Ryan O'Byrne's skates ended up in the back of the net. The play, though, was set up by a pretty Nick Leddy rush up the gut. He dumped it off to MegaMayers, who just fired it at the net, and got a little luck, himself.
  • Hossa gave the Hawks their first lead when he tipped a Duncan Keith point shot past Varlamov on a play that was started by some nice hustle from Sharpie to pick up a puck in the Avs corner. Sharpie took control, and it eventually found Keith, who threw it towards the net, and Hoss made a great play to get a stick on it.
  • The Hawks took no penalties in the game, which is usually a bigger advantage, but it was not to be last night.
  • Steve Montador officially looks like Will Ferrell. He has been anointed, Ricky Bobby.

The Bad

  • The Avs opened up the scoring late in the first on a nifty little Paul Stastny tip. The only chance the Hawks have on a play like that, is if Keith, O'Donnell, or Bolland can tie up the stick of Stastny or just get their asses in his way. He was streaking across the middle and pretty much had free reign. Sometimes when you dominate play and can't finish, these flukey goals end up surprising you.
  • The Avs took the lead back in the second when David Jones just threw the puck in front of the net, from behind, and it bounced around like a superball. Seabrook got a piece of it, and Crow got several pieces as it was bouncing around. Two goals on two horeshit bounces.
  • The Avs took a 3-1 lead in the second as the Hawks let the Rookie Landeskog walk to the net all by himself. He took a pass and just snapped it past Crow. Bruno had a prime chance to help out on the play and tie up Landeskog's stick before he got down low to Montador, but had no interest in any of that. As a result, the Hawks were picking the pick out of the back of their net.
  • A major breakdown by the Blackhawks defense led to a Gabriel Lendeskog game tying goal with just under two minutes to go in the third. Nick Leddy got caught GROSSLY out of position and it left Landeskog wide open with the puck on his stick in the middle of the Hawks zone. Landeskog beat Crow cleanly and the Hawks comeback was for naught.
  • Not really sure what the deal is, but Carbomb played the least of any Blackhawk. He didn't do anything that deserved a spot on the pine, yet there he sat. He was a plus 2 on the night, so he couldn't have been doing that much wrong. Fuck if I know.

The Ugly

  • Colorado has to be kicking themselves in the ass for trading for Erik Johnson. That guy is garbage.
  • For the first time this season Kaner was very average. Beast mode was not in effect, but I guess you can't expect that every night.
  • Tazer goal or not, the powerplay is a clusterfuck.

The Shootout

  • Stalberg missed the net
  • Hejduk was stopped by Crawford
  • Toews couldn't beat Varlamov
  • Duchene was stopped on a nice save by Crow.
  • Kaner ran out of room, and was denied
  • Lindstrom beat Crawford
Here are your video highlights:

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