Friday, October 7, 2011

Blackhawks at Dallas - Loss Recap

"All the Kings Horses"

We've waited since late April for this. Well, not THIS, but Blackhawks hockey. How would the Blackhawks fare in their first game of the 2011-12 season?

The first period started fast and furious both ways. Dallas opened up with some speed and pressure, and the Hawks had some of their own. As the period went on the chances favored the Stars heavily, but the Hawks goaltending was strong and kept it 0-0. The second opened up with another awful give-a-way and it ended up in the Hawks net. After that, the Hawks tightened up some, but couldn't put one in the net. Dallas snuck one in on an unfortunate play, late, and the Hawks went into the final frame down 2-0. The third period was basically the same as the first. The Hawks couldn't beat the Dallas goaltender, until the final seconds. The line management was in complete disarray, and nothing seemed to do the trick. This was more frustrating than the OT loss to Colorado in game one last year.

The Good

  • Boss was in beast mode early, when he knifed through Robidas and Goligoski, which resulted in two very good chances. This kind of play led him to lead the team in ice time for the first period.
  • Speaking of beast mode, Kaner absolutely "beasted", with a rush of his own, that was only stopped by the toe of Lehtonen.
  • The Hawks took over 59 minutes to finally score s goal, and that was FAR too late. Leddy just took a clean pass and beat Lehtonen high blocker side. Whatever.
  • The Hawks had 38 shots. That's good. I'm reaching here.

The Bad

  • "Burish is having a little groin trouble". The ladies of Dallas might disagree. HIYO!
  • "You give up odd man breaks, and the puck is going to end up in the back of your net". I think I've said that exact phrase a million times.
  • The turnovers just continued in the start of the second period, as the Keith couldn't get the puck out of the zone, and it ended up on Ribeiro's stick, who fed it to a wide open Goligoski, and he beat Crow. Sloppy as ALL HELL, Boys.
  • My pick to click for this year, Frodo, missed a GAPING open net, in the second. He was wide open on the back door and had enough time to bunt it into the net. No go.
  • Just as Hossa took a bad offensive zone penalty to negate a powerplay, Hammer let Jamie Benn go, unmolested, to pick up a Souray rebound, and poked it into the net. Terrible composure.
  • I'm sorry, I know it's really early, but from what I've seen, I'll take Sheldon Souray for half of Montador's salary. I'm not just coming up with this revelation either. I suggested the Hawks take that chance when Souray was bought out. They could OBVIOUSLY use the help on the powerplay. But what do I know? Let's enjoy our new $2.75 million dollar forth line winger.
  • Anyone know if Brunette dressed? I mean, there was a RUMOR he was out there, but he was non-existant.
  • O-fer on the powerplay. I don't think I have the remind anyone how important that is, do I?

The Ugly

  • Well, Duncan Keith started off his first shift the same way his last regular season ended. BRUTAL. He immediately gave up the puck to Jamie Benn for a very early breakaway (see above picture). Three Times a Leddy was Keith's only saving grace, and tied Benn up enough to throw him off. So much for that summer of rest.
  • The Hawks, as a team, let up FAR too many prime chances on Crawford, in the first. Dallas had one on one chances with Crow for what seemed like 4 or 5 times. Some of those chances were bad coverage, and others were as a result of the Hawks D-Men brutally turning it over. They gave up 13 shots overall, which is far too much.
  • For all this "toughness" the Hawks brought in, the only one to use their body was Bryan Bickell in the first period. O'Donnell looked slow and old as hell, Carbomb was suspended, Montador barely played and when he did it was out of position, and Mayers was virtually invisible. Cut this 7 defensemen shit out YESTERDAY! The lines were never fluid or set for any period of time. Megamind, MONTADOR and General Saad? Holy christ on a cracker!!!!! Nothing like playing your "prized" free agent signing way out of position.

Here are the video highlights:

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