Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blackhawks vs. Avalanche - Loss Recap


Fresh off a highly disappointing loss in Philly Thursday night, the Blackhawks were back home to face the red hot Colorado Avalanche. The Avs were 4-1 in their last 5 games, 8-2 in their last 10, and won 3 previous games on the road which could spell trouble for the Hawks. The hot baby Blackhawks got another chance to show their skills, and Crawford was back in net for the Hawks. The Hawks faces this summers Avalanche free agent signing Semyon Varlamov.

Both the Hawks and Avs had chances in the first period, but the Hawks couldn't solve the Avs netminder. The Avs gave themselves a lead on a redirected goal, and also lead in shots 8-5 at the first intermission. The second period became a nightmare for the Hawks. Even though they outshot the Avs 12-8, they were outscored 2-0. The Avs seemed to capitalize on every single Hawks mistake. Unfortunately, the third period was just more of the same with the Avs putting the Hawks away, scoring the forth goal of the game on just half a dozen shots. The Hawks were victims of a team that just continued to be hot and capitalize on every good chance.

The Good

  • I'm not anointing the kid a savior at all, but when Doctor Lineblender put Shaw out there at center with Bickell and Stalberg you could clearly see him deliberately jumping back as one of the first defenders in the Hawks zone. The kid is smart, and annoying. The comparison to Steve Ott was a good one. Anyhow, After just watching three veterans half ass it, he jumped out on the ice and showed that he's paying attention and willing to do the dirty work.
  • You can't pin this loss completely on the Hawks, because they DID get some even strength chances, but Semyon Varlamov was just super man all night. The Avs were outshot 22-14 in the final two periods and didn't give up any goals.
  • I'm not going all Ben Smith on these guys, but the baby Blackhawks earned extra time in important situations. Olsen was seen playing with the other top 4 guys, even though that was because Q had the brilliant idea to dress Big Slow for THREE FUCKING MINUTES of ice time. Olsen led the Hawks with 5 hits, and seemed to have a jump in his step. Hayes was pretty noticeable all night around the net, moving up to get some time with the top 6 guys, and getting almost 15 minutes of ice time. Shaw was a minus 1, but he centered the shutdown line for most of the second half of the game. His minus 1 was a casualty of the third Avs goal where 3 Hawks players let Landeskog put on a show.
  • Hey, they didn't give up a powerplay goal, right?
  • Pick-to-Click Vik was sent in on a break-away in the third period and beat Varlamov...but hit the post. Isn't that just what you would expect? Shooter had a similar chance a few minutes later, but Varlamov was better.
  • Crawford didn't have a great night, but three of the 4 goals were tip-ins or back door goals. Only one of them could really be hung on Crawford's hook, but that one goal was an ugly one.

The Bad

  • David Jones put the first goal of the game in on Crawford thirteen minutes in. He redirected an Erik Johnson shot into the upper corner while Leddy and Hammer allowed Jones set up camp in front of the net, like it was his job. Any time you two would love to defend your own zone is fine with us.
  • The Avs went up 2-0 early in the second period when Kaner, Invisibolly, and Sharpie (All of whom have played center) coasted back on defense, and let the Avs TJ Galiardi freely sneak in on the back door. He took a slick little pass from Paul Stastny, and had a wide open net to shoot at. Fucking SLOP, I tell you!
  • After being 1 out of their last 22 powerplays, they failed on their only one last night. Just to REALLY piss in everyone's fucking Wheaties, they followed up the Clown College powerplay with an awful goal against. Leddy half assed a pass to Keith behind the net that Landeskog got a piece of, a la Tazer's steal against the Flyers. Landeskog somehow dragged the puck in front with Leddy, Deuce and Stalberg all within 2 feet of him. It squirted off his stick and right to David Van Der Gulik, who was streaking to the net. Crawford went down on the initial Landeskog attempt and never recovered, leaving the corners open.
  • The Avs Chuck Kobasew Put the cherry on top of the sundae with just 2 minutes to go in the game, sending the Hawks away with their tails between their legs. Whatever, thanks for the effort.
  • It has to be pointed out, but all night you see the Avs tipping shots on Crawford, but how many shots did you see tipped on Varlamov? Very few if any. WHY?

The Ugly

  • I mentioned this briefly but seriously, WHAT THE FUCK, Q? You have a rookie in his second NHL game and you pair him up with JOHN SCOTT who isn't worthy of more than 3:25? Sami Lepisto isn't worth more than that? REALLY? He didn't see the ice after the first 5 minutes of the second period. FOUR TOTAL SHIFTS!
  • Is Nick Leddy finally starting to crack under the pressure? He was absolutely brutal all night. His minus 4, with multiple turnovers were evidence of that. Hammer wasn't much better, tossing HIS minus 3 into the mix. Good thing the Hawks have a solid 3rd pair to pick up the slack...oh wait.
  • Once again, the joke that is the NHL instigation penalty was mocked. TJ Galiardi chased down Invisibolly after he got a piece of Paul Stastny and jumped him. That's only an instigator when you're Big Slow. Fucking JOKE!

Here are your video highlights:

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