Saturday, January 14, 2012

Blackhawks at DetroitOT Loss Recap

"The Wing That Got Away"

What better way to wake up, than on a cold January Saturday morning with the Blackhawks and Redwings? That's rhetorical, of course, because this January cold weather sucks, and the fans are the only ones that woke up for this one. Anyhow, This is what we've been given to work with, so bear with me. The Hawks made the short trek to burnt out and abandoned Detroit for a tough tilt with their hated OTHER rivals. The Blackhawks had revenge on their mind, following the collapse and OT loss to the Wings just under a week ago. Well, you'd hope they had revenge on their minds. Taking a game from Detroit in their building would make the sting of last Sunday's tough loss just a little less "ouchy". No matter what their record, they always play the Hawks tough, and unlike the Canucks, you can respect their talent and history. They've earned that. Ok, enough of that, DE-TROIT SUCKS!

There was a team wearing Hawks sweaters out on the ice, in the first period, but it wasn't a professional team. The Hawks were blow off the rink, geting outshot 21-4 and getting outscored 2-0. Not much more needs to be said about that. Unacceptable effort. The good thing is that they had 40 minutes to make up for that effort. The second period resembled a professional team, and the Hawks were able to gain a goal back, and only get outshot by one, 8-7. The Hawks dominated most of the third period, tying up the game, but they lost a lot of momentum when they couldn't score on a crucial double minor powerplay. In overtime the Hawks were once again dominated, and outshot 9-0. For the second time in a week, they fell to the Wings in OT.

The Good

  • The Hawks got an enormous gift with Opie Howard pulling a complete "noonan" and missing the puck behind the net. In fact, he actually redirected it right in front to Shock&Shaw who, unlike Frolik, hit the wide open net. Thanks Opie! Just to remind everyone, with that goal, Andrew Shaw passed Dan Carcillo and came within one of Bickell. The clock is ticking, Fellas.
  • The Hawks opened up the third period like the Wings did in the first, outshooting the wings 15-2 to begin the frame. With all their dominance and double minor power play, all they could manage was one goal.
  • The Hawks tied up the game with 51 seconds to go in the third, with Hossa's point shot going off Lidstrom's skate in past Opie Howard. That would be enough to get a point out of this game, and apparently the Hawks felt that was all they needed.

The Bad

  • Vik Stalberg had a prime chance, wide open on a feed from Pat Kane with the Hawks being outshot 5-0, and turned it over to the Wings without a shot. For fucks sakes, kid, shoot the puck!
  • Lard ass Tomas Holmstrom opened up the scoring on a powerplay with a redirect of an Ian White shot. When you're getting outshot 16-2 and killing a powerplay, this result isn't a big surprise.
  • "Michael Frolik has probably been the most noticeable Hawks player in this period". No offense Fro, but that's a BAD sign. Nothing more needs to be said.
  • Todd Bertuzzi snuck in behind Deuce and Sleven for a breakaway, to put the Wings up 2-0, late in the first period. Deuce looked back and saw Bertuzzi, but decided it was best to either depend solely on his ability to chase Bertuzzi down from behind, or just forget altogether and let Seabrook take him. Niether worked. It's NEVER a good idea to let opposing forwards skate 10 feet behind you. It's like football; if you're a safety and let a receiver fuck around behind you, the QB will hit him eventually. Seriously, guys? This is DUMB SHIT HOCKEY!
  • You can point a lot of blame, late in the game, to the failed double minor, in the third period. You have the momentum, you have the man advantage, and you fail miserably. That is a MUST SCORE! Not only that, but the defensemen all got caught below the dots and left Drew Miller to come out of the box and get a breakaway from the red line in. Nick Leddy should blow Crawford for saving his ass on that one.
  • Keith and Seabrook generously allowed Franzen to knife right up the middle of the Hawks zone and in on net, in OT. That's not going to end up well very often, gents.
  • Three of the four Hawks centers were eaten alive at the dots. El Capitan was his usual self to the tune of 65%.

The Ugly

  • When you're outshot 21-4 to open the game in Detroit, that's a bad omen. Skating the puck in circles looks pretty, but accomplishes nothing. The need to cut this finesse bullshit out, and start throwing some bodies around. If they simply show up for the first period, this game is won by the Hawks.
  • The most frustrating thing about watching a team get their asses kicked, is when they multiply it by doing completely stupid shit. For example, Hossa making a blind backhand pass in the Hawks zone right to the stick of a Redwing. It is so frustrating! If you're going to lose, do it with some pride and effort.
  • Todd Bertuzzi won the game in OT whacking the puck out of mid air between Frolik and Deuce. All the Hawks had to do was show up for the first period and they could have won this one, and getting outshot 9-0 in OT doesn't help.

Here are your video highlights:

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