Monday, December 5, 2011

Blackhawks vs. Coyotes - SO Loss Recap

"Never Enough"

Round two for the Blackhawks and Coyotes. After a pretty successful weekend, the Hawks had all but forgotten about the last time they saw the Coyotes. Too bad the Coyotes hadn't forgotten. It looks like Phoenix is going to become the new thorn in the Hawks side. Since last game the Coyotes haven't exactly lit the world on fire, but when they come in the UC, they look like the Devils of the early 2000's.

The Coyotes picked up where they left off a week ago, taking it to the Hawks in all areas, including outshooting and outscoring the Hawks in the first period. It's not going to be easy to win against a team like Phoenix when you're already in a hole 2-0. The second period was a whole different story. It was the Hawks turn to dominate the period in both shots and goals. After giving up an early goal, they came out with a purpose and brought the game back to a 3-3 tie. The third period was of playoff style. Tight checking and no scoring. Both teams had chances but the Hawks clearly had more. Neither team could break the tie and the game headed into OT, which was dominated again by the Hawks. This game was decided in the shootout, as the Yotes were able to win the shootout 2-0. Certainly disappointing, and clearly the soft first period cost them dearly.

The Good

  • The Hawks finally put a goal on the board with three minutes gone in the second. Toews picked up a blocked Pat Kane pass and ripped it past Mike Smith to bring the Hawks within 2 goals. 3-1 Yotes.
  • The Hawks struck again on the powerplay, as Captain Big Balls tipped a Deuce slapshot past Smith the bring the Hawks within one goal, half way through the second period. At this point, the Hawks had ALL the momentum, and were skating circles around the Coyotes. They had been dominating Phoenix for about 5 minutes previous which led to the penalty, and the Hawks made it count. Queue momentum shift.
  • I'm slowly, but surely, becoming a big fan of the Dream Warrior (Sorry, Second City Hockey, the name is just TOO perfect), Marcus Kruger. He plays solid in his own end, and has learned to play really big with the puck in the offensive zone, despite his small stature. He's won me over.
  • Kaner tied the game up with 6 minutes to go in the second period on a Yotes turnover, which led to a Toews/Kane 2-on-1. Captain Big Balls outraced the Yotes players and held on to the puck until the perfect moment when Kaner cleared the defender, and hit him with a perfect backdoor pass, that he buried past Smith. NOW we have a game! All tied up at treys, and the Hawks were in a zone, all of a sudden.
  • That Jonathan Kane connection is looking pretty good, isn't it? Thank you, Dream Warrior, for allowing this to happen. People need to start sweating, because the league is in trouble. The Bromance is back.
  • Outshooting the Yotes 35-27 is right about in the Hawk wheelhouse, but they need to be better in the saves category.
  • Bolly was the only Hawks center under 50% in the faceoff circle, for the game. Bolly is hurting, we just don't know how much. With the emergence of Dream Warrior, do the Hawks give him some down time to allow him to heel? Brandon Pirri is absolutely lighting up the AHL, so maybe NOW is the time to get Bolly healthy, because he has basically reverted back to Invisi-Bolly.

The Bad

  • The first Yotes goal of the game was a result of a Frank the Tank blow out at the Phoenix blue line. Tank tried to dive and knock the puck past Raffi Torres, but couldn't. This led to a 2-on-1 against Lurch, who really didn't stand a chance. He chose to pressure the puck and Boedker dumped it off to Torres, who just directed it into a wide open net. 1-0 Yotes
  • The second Phoenix goal of the game was as a result of a giveaway deep in the Hawks zone, by Deuce, who just threw the fucking puck away into his own corner. Ray Whitney got to it, and fed the puck out to Radim Vrbata who drew Crawford out of the net, after he grossly overcommitted, and tucked it in behind him. I really can't say I remember any Phoenix goals, this year, against the Hawks that weren't ugly, and this one certainly fits. 2-0 Yotes
  • Just over a minute into the second period Keith Yandle put an end to Corey Crawford's nighy, sending a long shot through a Pyatt screen and into the net. Crawford really didn't have much of a chance, with Leddy letting Pyatt pitch a fucking tent in front, but sometimes you have to bail your team out. 3-0 Yotes.
  • Frank the Tank really had two bad turnovers to begin the game. He looked like he was just in a haze out there, but eventually shook it off.
  • Vik Stalberg once again passed up a glorious chance from no more than 15 feet from the net, and turned the puck over with a godawful pass. I love his speed, but you have to shoot the fucking puck, kiddo! He missed at LEAST 3 other chances in the game, and I'm talking "5 feet in front of the net with no defenders between you and the goalie" chances, including one in OT.
  • Kaner pulled his little fancy pants spin-o-rama passes, AGAIN, to Car Bomb who was just a few seconds too slow to beat Smith.
  • Looks like Ben Smith has come back down to earth, again. This is what you're going to get out of him. He's a third liner that could fill in from time to time on the top line, but you're not going to get major points out of him. I'm perfectly happy with Smith playing out there ahead of One-Trick-Bick even though him and Frodo were minus 2 on the night, because he brings more to the table.

The Ugly

  • Jesus fucking CHRIST, Captain Obvious, aka Pierre McGuire, is the creepiest and most annoying announcer in sports, bar none. Will SOMEONE please give him a job that keeps him off the television? PLEASE!
  • The Hawks powerplay has really become "Feast or Famine". Either they are running the puck around like the Globetrotters, or they can't even get the puck into the zone. There is no in-between.
  • Hossa missing the shorthanded chance halfway through the third is a MUST SCORE. You just HAVE to put that mistake in the net. Roof it on the long side. That goal would have put the Coyotes to bed, because an ugly shorthanded goal like that, on the road, would take all wind out of their sails. This one turned out to be HUGE!
  • I'm not screaming goalie controversy, here, but Razor has earned a back-to-back start or two. Obviously, continuing to throw Crawford out to the wolves is NOT working. Let him work through his issues and give Razor some more starts.

The Shootout

  • Ekman-Larsson beat Razor
  • Tazer was stopped by Smith
  • Vrbata beat Razor
  • Hossa was stopped by Smith

Here are your video highlights:

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