Friday, December 23, 2011

Blackhawks Christmas Video Breakdown

For those of you who haven't seen it, YOU MUST WATCH IT! It's utterly ridiculous and hilarious all in one big Christmas package. This collection of tone deaf athletes, in bad Christmas sweaters, is simply priceless.

If you didn't hurt yourself laughing at that, you have no sense of humor. Since everyone else is breaking it down, why not...

Bolland ALMOST comes off as a slow adult, here. What would the Sedin sisters think? How he keeps from laughing is beyond me, and the badly timed two finger cha-cha thing is the bees-knees!

That's a lot of handsomeness there, folks. From the stretched out turtleneck to the deliberate snapping, he's still the senior panty dropper on this team. Flash then that million dollar smile, Shooter! Superstar!

Bick might not have many moves on the ice, but he has quite the snappy act going, with those suspenders. At least he spared all of us and put his fucking teeth in before he filmed this. Nothing like a big hillbilly looking gap toothed grin in Christmas suspenders. Too close to "Deliverance".

Duncs, that sweater vest is EXQUISITE! Apparently, Deuce's singing voice wasn't something they wanted to torture us with, or he just couldn't manage to spit out the one line he needed recite. So, they just gave us a sweater vest and a dope smile. "Hey mumbles, Just don't speak, PLEASE don't speak"

I guess they just dragged Seabs out of the weight room to fill in for someone else, because not only is he missing HIS snappy sweater, but he does NOT look happy to be partaking in this parody. No smile, hands on hips. Me Seabrook, No Likie, Make Brent Mad!

Hoss has clearly never heard "Holy Hight", in English, and one might argue that he's obviously never heard it in his native tongue, either. Lots of phlegm for the big guy, and the dopey grin is worth the price of admission.

I almost didn't realize who this was. At least, he can spit out his own name, even if it IS off key and out of time. I'm certain he's young enough to still BELIEVE in Santa, so don't tell him, you'll break the poor boy's heart.

Big Slow absolutely steals this whole video. For as little skill as he has ON the ice, his Christmas dance is JAMMING! Good rhythm, big smile, great attire, and EPIC spin at the end. If only the editing could be done without him SHOUTING "JOHN SCOTT!" at us. It's a little disturbing. I have faith in you Big Poppa!

MY personal favorite, right behind the big man. Frolik Navidad! I want to meet the person in their marketing department that threw out, "FROLIK NAVIDAD". That person deserves a huge raise. That great hockey smile, that little boy bowl cut, that brilliant sweater, and who can forget those caterpillars above his eyes? ::Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, Frolik Navidad:: EVERYBODY NOW!

Kaner, you big ham! We can't have a parody video without that patented Kaner Shuffle. "Ok, so Kaner, throw us a Fozie spin-n-point, every day I'm shufflin, and spit out your line as monotone as possible. CUT! PERFECT!"

Hammer, you sexy Swede, you. didn't recognize you without a look of pain on your face. This time the look of pain is ALL US! Nice little gay sleigh ride hand thing (you had a pony as a little Swede, didn't you?), and queue up the horrible Swedish accent...NAILED IT!

Holy christ, that's a scary sight. Father time, you have a face for radio! The way they photoshopped out the bolts on your neck, and green skin tone, is amazing. "Arrrrrrr, Ar, Ar, Ar, Arrrrrrr, Ar, Ar, Ar".

Last, but not least, El Capitan. Give us Serious...not your usual serious, ACT serious. What's wrong with your eyes, kid? You look like Sloth. Whatever, wrap this Christmas atrocity up, folks, it'll never see the light of day. WHOOPS!

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