Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Keep That Bandwagon Parked, For Now, Ben Smith Fans

Last season, when the Hawks were doing their best to blow their playoff chances, and injuries were all but swallowing up the team, an unlikely hero emerged. Let me take you on a trip back in the Matrix to April 24th:

His name was plainly enough, Ben Smith. Agent Smith, to you folks in the Matrix. Smith tallied just one goal in the regular season, and then had a great Vancouver series with 3 goals in 7 games, including that game winner in OT of game 6. Chicago fans, and the media, fell in love with the kid. There were plans of parades, and men giving up their first born daughters to this young man, but was this a case of a "flash in the pan"? I tend to think all the praise and head petting is a little premature, and we should be careful to put too much stock into his potential. Granted, I think the kid is going to be a good solid 30-40 point NHL guy some day and I like him a lot, but the next Jeremy Roenick he is not. We're talking about a guy that only has 4 career NHL points (all of which are goals). People are going to have to back down off the Ben Smith Bus a bit, because if they expect too much of him, they may be blaming him for the JFK assassination and the Billy Goat Curse in the very near future. For those of you not familiar with the brief solid but unspectacular career of Agent Smith, here are his vitals:

Smith is a slightly smallish, but strong, forward that has some grit and a nose for the puck. He's played wing AND center in college, but has yet to get any work at center at the pro level. So, lets start by not entertaining any CRAZY notions of him stepping in at the #2 center spot, over Bolly or Sharpie, to slide Sharpie over to his more comfortable position at wing. It's not that easy to adjust from playing part time college center to full time NHL center. He found a nice little niche as a forgotten role player who took advantage of a glorious situation, and was successful. One can bet that the NHL scouting teams will have plenty of intel on him, for the upcoming season, so don't expect him to be able to sneak under the radar yet again, this year.

A safe bet would have Smith start the season in a serious top 6 role at Rockford, and be one of the prime call ups, when injury or lack of production hits the lineup. He is a pretty good bet to push a few of the veterans in camp, but he'd have to absolutely dominate to show up in the opening day lineup. As insignificant as it may seem, his cap hit is $812K a year, and the Hawks have players like Bryan Bickell, Jamal Mayer, Dan Carcillo and, Brandon "Don't call me Steven" Segal, that make less money. Of those players, Bickell is the only one signed for next season, so you figure they will try and get their money out of the other guys. I just don't see Smith as a 4th line player, but then again, Jack Skille was for a good portion of last year, and Smith can do all the things Skille did, if not better. I just don't think it really benefits the Hawks OR Smith any, by burying him on the 4th line. They have plenty of guys that can fill that role.

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