Friday, September 23, 2011

Blackhawks vs Penguins - Preseason Recap

The first period started very slow in this game, but the teams picked it up in the later minutes of the period. Powerplays for both teams yielded no goals, and they were held scoreless after one period. The Hawks managed a goal in the second, and held the Pens scoreless once again, heading into the third. Things fell completely apart in the third period, as the Hawks gave up 4 straight goals. You really can't put much into a game where MAYBE 3 regulars were playing. Way to work with that lead, gents. Seriously, though, This is a nothing game that is more about seeing what the young players can do individually, rather than the team outcome.

The Good
  • My pick to click, Brandon Saad, was all over the place, especially in the second period. His play is going to really put some heat on other players in the organization like, say, Kyle Beach. He's not the same kind of player, but that doesn't mean much. The organization can adjust. This kid is going to be an absolute STUD, and the Blackhawks are going to be forced to play him in the very near future. He's THAT good.
  • Brandon Pirri was very noticeable, all game long. His speed and forechecking made a big difference. At one point, he took the puck right through the middle of the ice and went end to end. He's a keeper.
  • Even though he can get out muscled at times, Nick Leddy seemed to be everywhere, as well. His confidence has grown considerably, and he's going to be fun to watch this year.
  • "Standing him up nicely is John Scott" - That is a comment that NONE of us thought we'd ever hear, especially while defending against a player the caliber of Jordan Staal. Every dog has his day, I guess.
  • Frolik opened up the scoring with a nice little deke that caught the defender reaching. Frodo cut into the slot and snapped one that slipped through Brent Johnson. It was clear that Frodo was one of the better players on the ice last night, and skated with Bryan Bickell, and Brett McLean. If we can get this kind of play all year, we could see the kid get 30 goals.
  • Alex Salak played a period and a half of shutout hockey, which can only help his chances of becoming the backup. He was the more composed of the two netminders, but Emery really didn't have much help.

The Bad
  • Enduring John Scott for 2 full games on defense is PAINFULLY annoying. The guy skates like he's wearing a full diaper. If he's not tenderizing someone's face, I have no use for him. Give some more of the kids time, PLEASE. We know what the Big Slow is going to give us, which isn't much.
  • Bickell, Frolik, McLean with LaLonde and Lepisto on the powerplay had a few chances, but nothing got to show for it. It's not really worth complaining about the powerplay with guys that won't be seeing the NHL, much less the powerplay, in a few weeks.
  • Two minutes into the third, the Pens tied up the game after a shot that was redirected off the post popped out to, of all people, Jordan Staal. Brett McLean was mesmerized by the loose puck and failed to tie up Staal, who easily put the puck in the back of the net. Emery had no chance.
  • Emery gave up his second goal of the game on a deflection that ended up in the top corner of the net. It's really hard to expect him to be able to made that adjustment, so close. The part that bothers me is that Matt Cooke is the person that got the goal.
  • Tyler Kennedy put the Pens up 3-1 after picking up a pass that went through the slot untouched, as Brian Connelly fell asleep, letting Kennedy in behind him. That's all she wrote, folks.
  • Razor's rebound control left a bit to be desired, especially on the third goal. Granted, Brian Connelly just stood there and watched the rebound slide right past him, and be put in the net by Tyler Kennedy, but that was a pretty lazy shot in the first place.

The Ugly
  • Listening to the announcers stick their tongues up Matt Cooke's hind end for a good two minutes made me want to regurgitate my Taco Bell. The guy has made a mockery of the NHL with his douchebag plays, and they are trying to tell us that the reason that the Pens didn't get past Tampa was that they were missing Cooke. Really, boys? That conversation ends after you mention Crosby and Malkin.
  • Jordan Staal finished the night by making Lalonde fall on his ass from sheer fear, and maneuvered right around him. Not really sure what angle Emery was going for, but it was a bad one. With only 8 seconds left, it was really a moot point, but still ugly

Here are the video highlights of the game:

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