Friday, November 25, 2011

Blackhawks at Anaheim - Win Recap

"Get Out Alive"

The Hawks were in Anaheim Friday afternoon for a rare matinee game against the Ducks. The Circus trip has not gone like the Hawks wanted, and that name has taken on new meaning. They were only able to gather 2 of 8 possible points, with an opening game win against the Canucks. The Hawks were rejoined by Brent Seabrook, which would be a much needed boost, but they had to put the puck in the net. This was a must win game for the Hawks, if they hope to salvage anything from this trip, and it wasn't coming easy.

The Hawks futility continued in the first period, with the Ducks opening up the game with two quick goals. The Hawks were able to net a couple of goals themselves, but lost the period 3-2, and were outshot 13-9. The second period was batter, but the Hawks still gave up another goal. Even though they out shot the Ducks 17-5, they lost the period 1-0. The Hawks were in for a tough third period, and what a third period it was. The Hawks scored 4 goals and left Anaheim a 6-5 winner, after a huge effort by the away team.

The Good

  • Shooter opened up the Hawks scoring after a failed Ducks powerplay in the first. The Hawks got the puck deep in the Ducks zone and it was dug loose from behind the net to Shooter, who hit the post. The rebound came Toews, who tried to put it towards the net. It ended up on Shooter's stick, and he beat Hiller. 2-1 Ducks.
  • This "Ron Burgundy on the PP" thing seems to really have some legs. The only sustained pressure in the first period, on the powerplay, was from the second group, with Montador at forward. He seems to draw a lot of attention in front of the net. The second powerplay resulted in the second goal of the game for the Hawks. Bruno held the puck down low, waiting for Burgundy to clear the front of the net, and for Bolland to sneak in the back door. Bruno hit Bolly on the stick and he buried it low and hard.
  • While it really didn't show much in the way of results, I like Frolik seeing top 6 minutes. His speed and grit can help those other players, unless you're ESPN's Jesse Rogers, who thinks that a handful of good games 7 months ago by Ben Smith gets you top six minutes, rather than the 2 terrible games and 2 healthy scratches in the last week.
  • Just over a minute into the third period and the Hawks were able to take advantage of a puck with eyes off the stick of Deuce that went off the toe of Tazer and brought the Hawks within one goal. 4-3 Ducks.
  • Twenty eight seconds later Tazer stole the puck from Getzlaf behind the Ducks net and fed Sharpie to tie up the game. Great determination by El Capitan.
  • Shooter put the Hawks up 5-4 off a faceoff win by El Capitan for Hat Trick. Sharpie curled around the circle and snapped a shot past Hiller. Nice to see the Hawks get some bounces their way.
  • Toews whipped out his king kong nuts and grabbed his 5th point of the night, picking up a rebound that snuck between Dan Ellis' legs and jammed it in the net to put the Hawks up 6-4 with 10 minutes to go in the third. Nothing more can be said about the Captain. Tremendous effort.
  • Outshooting a team 42-29 in their home rink is something to be commended for.

The Bad

  • With 7 powerplays the Hawks really should have scored more with the advantage.
  • Just over a minute into the first period the Ducks opened up the scoring after Hammer was destroyed by Corey Perry, and turned the puck over to Bobby Ryan, who just put his head down and took it to the net. Crawford made the fist save, but wasn't able to control the rebound. 1-0 Ducks.
  • A minute later, the Hawks gave up another Ducks goal to Andrew Cogliano after Ron Burgundy tried to play a puck with his glove, and it slipped away right to the Ducks forward, who shoveled it into the net. 2-0 Ducks.
  • The ageless one, Teemu Selanne, put the Ducks up 3-1 on a powerplay. The Ducks worked the puck around the zone long enough for Selanne to find an open spot, and even at 42, he is money. Hang this one on the PK because they couldn't even get a stick on the puck, much less clear the zone.
  • Bobby Ryan scored his second goal of the game against the the Kane line, on their first shot of the second period which came almost half way though the frame. Deuce was stuck down low covering two Ducks forwards, and Ryan just sat on the back door long enough for Sbisa to find him for a tap in. 4-2 Ducks.
  • Corey Perry brought the Ducks back within one goal, with 7 seconds left in the game, and the goalie pulled. The Hawks were just simply tired and couldn't grab a rebound that sat in front of the net for what seems like 4 days. I can overlook this one based on the huge third period the Hawks had.
  • Judging by some of his body language, Corey Crawford is looking a little shaky in net. This is something Stephane Waite needs to address, ASAP. I can speak from experience, and when you're not 100% confident in the net, you might as well not even be out there. You'll always be questioning yourself, and it's hard to stop anything.
  • Two games in a row that Dave Bolland has missed wide open nets on the powerplay.
  • This Kaner at center experiment might have run it's course. He was only 23% in the faceoff circles and he has been under 50% consistently lately. This may be something that gets adjusted, because things need to change, regardless.
  • I'm at a point where I've seen just about enough Niklas Hjalmarsson. He is big enough to be hitting people and just refuses to do it, all while absorbing huge hits from the opposing teams. For the $3+ million a year he's getting, he needs to start doing SOMETHING other than blocking shots. He is not a powerplay guy, provides no offense whatsoever, and is not nearly as physical as the Hawks need from him. Something needs to give.

The Ugly

  • The Hawks first powerplay unit just looks like an enormous sack of dog shit at this point. Just WHY players with that kind of talent can't even get the puck into the offensive zone boggles my mind. The second unit opened up the first powerplay of the second period and did an admirable job. Once the first unit stepped on the ice, all hell broke loose. Deuce tried to get the puck in the zone twice and eventually ended up giving up a shorthanded 2-on-1 when he missed a questionable Bolland pass. Of course Konroyd failed to mention the turnover, and just focused on the following bailout. Hey, all you young defensemen at home, don't turn the puck over on the powerplay, at the opponents blue line, and you wont have to defend shorthanded 2-on-1's. Just a thought.
  • After a strong start to the year, Car Bomb has been virtually invisible. I haven't really seen anything that should get him any less playing time, but something is going on. I suppose that bad penalty he took in the second period doesn't help. Looks like he wore THAT welcome out, quick. Under 7 minutes of TOI tells a story, but I'd like to know just WHAT that story is
  • Speaking of invisible, Bickell, Stalberg, and O'Donnell were barely heard from.

Here are your video highlights:

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