Monday, April 11, 2011

Death Row Pardon

And just like that, the Blackhawks fell ass backwards into a playoff spot. I have mixed feelings about this, and here is why.

First and foremost, I am a realist. Most blindly oblivious fans, are just happy with simply making the playoffs, like the Hawks are magically going to stop blowing third period leads, and like they are going to magically start playing consistent. Reality doesn't work like that, folks, and fans who think that it does, annoy the hell out of me. Fans SHOULD be critical of their teams, and SHOULD expect better, especially ones of teams that have played as flaky as THIS one. Things are NOT suddenly kosher in the Blackhawk world, because they have GLARING issues, and they are facing the team with the best record in the entire LEAGUE. Yes, I know, the Hawks have traditionally embarrassed Bobby Lu and his Canucklefuck friends, but this is is a different year and the Nucks are much improved team. The Nucks are running on all 12 cylinders, and the Hawks on 4 and a half. For all of you still drunk on the Dallas Stars choking on their own vomit, let me remind you all what happened just previous to that, YESTERDAY AFTERNOON:

The Hawks played their arch nemesis.
In, clearly, the biggest game of the year.
At home.
With their fans behind them.
With their fate and playoff lives in their hands.
After having beat the same team soundly two days earlier.
With two important opposing players out.

That's not a poem, that's the reality of what we all witnessed. There hasn't been a nationally televised Blackhawk disappointment like that since the Winter Classic. This should tell you that this team either didn't want it bad enough, OR just plain AREN'T THAT GOOD. You can't tell me that Dave Bolland was the missing link, either, and if you try, I will tell you why you are wrong. Even when Bolly was hot, the Hawks were not THAT much better. And PLEASE lets not forget that Bolly was in the midst of a cold streak when he was blazed in the back of the cranium, with that Kubina elbow. Back to the same old Invisi-Bolly.

Yesterday, Quenneville kept trotting out the old nag line of Pisani/Dowell/Bickell, to the tune of a combined -9, because they didn't have anything else, and the first two lines were running on the fumes of fumes. Since when do we see Quenneville let a line go even -2 without being benched or switched around? We DON'T, but what were the other choices? The Blackhawks have 2 solid FULL lines, and that's not going to get you through the grind of uphill battles they will face in each and every round. Much like the Bears last season, this fall backwards into the playoffs, will give the management excuses to not make the needed changes. There will always be that excuse, "Well, we DID make the playoffs". Hong Kong Phooey on that load of bull dung. Do you hear that lame ass garbage in Detroit? They have made the playoffs 20 straight years. That is BARE MINIMUM, and a given. The Bowman clan was brought into town for that very reason, so a regression shouldn't be tolerated. In reality, the Blackhawks made it to TWO in a row, and choked on the third. The third being the STANLEY CUP DEFENSE, mind you. It is time Chicago fans demand consistent excellence of our team, not be complacent with a team that is a "C-minus" student, just barely squirting into the playoffs. I don't have the confidence in Stan Bowman to hold each and every person accountable for underachieving, and it's up to HIM to earn that confidence. Why is it asking too much to expect and demand a top 4 conference finish? The answer, it's NOT!

NOW, on the flip side, I'm by no means saying I wish them ill. I'll be rooting for them each and every step, but if they fall flat on their faces, and they will; I don't want anyone being shocked and appalled. Two and a half solid lines, and a hot goalie CAN take you far in the playoffs. Montreal proved that last year, but they ran out of gas. If you think last year was nerve racking, just wait. There is your daily does of Puckin Reality...

Here is your 2011 First Round Playoff Schedule

  • Wed, April 13 at Vancouver, 9:00 CBC (HD), VERSUS
  • Fri, April 15 at Vancouver, 9:00 CBC (HD), VERSUS
  • Sun, April 17 at Chicago, 7:00 CBC (HD), VERSUS
  • Tue, April 19 at Chicago, 7:00 CBC (HD), VERSUS
  • *Thurs, April 21 at Vancouver, 9:00 CBC (HD), VERSUS
  • *Sun, April 24 at Chicago, 7:00 CBC (HD)
  • *Tues, April 26 at Vancouver, TBD CBC (HD)
-Times are CST *if needed

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