Friday, August 27, 2010

Turco's New Masks Revealed

First and foremost, I’d like to wish you all a Happy Friday, and, more importantly, I’d like to wish my beautiful daughter a Happy 2nd Birthday.

Now, getting back to Blackhawks business, it’s been quite "slow" to put it mildly. We’re all just waiting for training camp to start because there isn’t anything else in the Chicago sports world worth defecating on. From any reports and speculation I have read, Marty Turco will wear #30. This is fine with me, as long as he didn’t turn that #35 around, like Khabby originally did, and make it #53. That’s a lame number, and even worse than the #48 that I wear. Some people have speculated that #30 hasn’t been worn since the great Ed Belfour, but this is untrue. Mark Fitzpatrick wore it briefly in 98/99, the infamous Mike Leighton wore it in 02/03, Adam Munro wore it briefly in 03/04 and 04/05, and so did Sébastien Caron for one game in 05/06 according to Interesting, and ironic, fact about Caron is that he is the goalie Christobal Huet will be taking the starting job from on Fribourg-Gotteron in the Swiss League, once the deal is finalized. Back to the subject at hand, a story was released about the masks Turco will wear for the Hawks, along with a photo. I, personally, think they are great, but you can decide for yourself. If we take those masks with the very slick one Crawford wore last year, the Hawks have the best LOOKING netminders in the league. Have a "look-see":

This guy looks excited, with a capital “e”

The Turco masks were created in Port Huron Michigan at Warwick Mask, and painted by Dave Gunnarsson, who painted many NHL mask in the past from his Swedish studio called DaveART (

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